result_kt 1.1.0
result_kt: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Encapsulate a value as a success or an error as a failure using Result, execute a function using runCatching that returns a Result, and transform the Stream value into a Result.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:result_kt/result_kt.dart';
void main() {
stdout.writeln('Type an email:');
final email = stdin.readLineSync()!;
final result = runCatching(() => validadeEmailAddress(email));
.onSuccess(action: print)
.onFailure(action: (value) => print(value.error.toString()));
String validadeEmailAddress(String email) {
const emailRegex =
if (RegExp(emailRegex).hasMatch(email)) {
return '$email is a valid email address';
} else {
throw FormatException('$email is not a valid email address');
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