rest_simplified 0.0.16
rest_simplified: ^0.0.16 copied to clipboard
A Simplified Rest approach for Flutter. The concept of this package is to easily map json to bean and vice-versa.
Simple Rest get example #
void getExampleCall() async {
RestSimplified rs ='');
rs.addPath<CatFact>(Method.get, '/fact');
ServiceResult result = await rs.getRestAccessor().get<CatFact>();
CatFact catFact = result.entity;
class CatFact {
String? fact;
int? length;
class CatFactJsonMapper implements FromJsonParser {
List toList(json) {
//No list
throw UnimplementedError();
toObject(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
CatFact fact = CatFact();
fact.fact = json['fact'];
fact.length = json['length'];
return fact;
Example with Post request for login then get to display some information #
//A header
class JSONContentHeader implements HeaderBuilder {
Map<String, String> get() {
Map<String, String> header = {};
header['Content-Type'] =
'application/json'; //Might be necessary depending on the server-side
return header;
//Another header could be
class HeaderBuilder {
Map<String, String> get() {
Map<String, String> header = {};
header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
header['authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + aToken;
return header;
class RestFactory {
static final RestSimplified rest =
defaultHeaderBuilder: JSONContentHeader());
//To be called in main.dart before any widget displayed use the static variable above
static void init() {
//For each path we can post/put only one DTO, or get only one as well
//It should not be an issue but in case you want to do something like:
// - restSimplified.addPath<UserDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/whoami/');
// - restSimplified.addPath<UserDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/myinformation/');
// You need to either use another DTO (and serializers as well) and end up with
// - restSimplified.addPath<UserDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/whoami/');
// - restSimplified.addPath<UserInformationDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/myinformation/');
// Or you can instantiate another instance of RestSimplified and reuse both Serializers and DTOs
// - restSimplified.addPath<UserDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/whoami/');
// - otherRestSimplified.addPath<UserDTO>(Protocol.get, '/users/myinformation/');
// Not that when doing post/put the return type can change even if it should not happen
rest.addPath<SigninDTO>(, '/users/signin');
rest.addPath<UserDTO>(Method.get, '/users/whoami/');
class SigninDTO {
String email;
String password;
SigninDTO(, this.password);
class UserDTO {
String? email;
String? recoveryEmail;
String? publicKey;
class SigninToJson extends ToJsonMapParser<SigninDTO> {
Map<String, String> toMap(SigninDTO dto) {
Map<String, String> map = {};
map['email'] =;
map['password'] = dto.password;
return map;
//In case serialization and deserialization is needed, either write two classes
//or extends both FromJsonParser and ToJsonMapParser
class UserJsonToUser extends FromJsonParser<UserDTO> {
UserDTO toObject(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
UserDTO user = UserDTO(); = json['email'];
user.recoveryEmail = json['recoveryEmail'];
user.publicKey = json['publicKey'];
return user;
//In a LoginWidget
//Called when pressing the form button
void _call(Map<String, dynamic> form) {
SigninDTO signin = SigninDTO(form['email'], form['password']);
Future<ServiceResult> result =
.post<SigninDTO, UserDTO>(signin, headerBuilder: JSONHeader());
result.then((value) => _handleResponse(value.entity, value.headers));
void _handleResponse(UserDTO entity, Map<String, String> headers) {
//Here we can do additional checkings if needed
//NB: when debugging locally in Android Studio we need to activate CORS
//Also if authentication/session are managed by cookies CORS might create troubles
SimpleRouter.forwardAndRemoveAll(const WhoAmIPage()); //Example with SimpleROuter
//In the widget to display information for UserDTO
void initState() {
//We do not need any header, flutter web will manage the cookie for us
Future<ServiceResult> whoami =<UserDTO>();
whoami.then((value) => _handleResult(value.entity));
void _handleResult(UserDTO user) {
//Update fields' values that will be displayed on the screen
setState(() {
_email = ?? '';
_recoveryEmail = user.recoveryEmail ?? '';
_publicKey = user.publicKey ?? '';
_loading = false;