responsibility_chain 1.0.3 responsibility_chain: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
An asynchronous Responsibility Chain design pattern implementation with functional and object-oriented approaches to implementing handlers of responsibility.
import 'package:responsibility_chain/responsibility_chain.dart';
/// This example demonstrates how to use the FunctionHandlers of the `responsibility_chain` package.
/// The usage of the ResponsibilityNode subclasses will look exactly the same, but with an
/// additional step of creating inherited classes for handlers.
/// I consider it a good idea to use FunctionHandlers to simplify your code when possible, though
/// the base class can be inherited from or mixed with to implement more complex abstractions.
void main() async {
final rateFetchRespChain =
ResponsibilityChainWithArgs<double, int>(orElse: (_) => -1)
..funcNode((args) => databaseFetchHandler(args))
// the result handling is always happens asynchronously
// the argument will be passed to each of the handler nodes during the execution
// 20.0 will be returned by databaseFetchHandler
print(await rateFetchRespChain.handle(20230215));
// if the databaseFetchHandler fails to return the result, the next handler will be called
// 13.00 will be returned by serverFetchHandler
print(await rateFetchRespChain.handle(20230213));
// if no handler succeeds to return the result, the result of orElse function from the chain
// constructor will be returned
// -1 will be returned by orElse function as none of the handlers returned the result
print(await rateFetchRespChain.handle(20230209));
/* Mocks */
ChainResult<double> databaseFetchHandler(int date) {
final rate = localDatabaseMock[date];
if (rate == null) return ChainResult.failure();
return ChainResult.success(rate);
// handlers can return both ChainResult<R> and Future<ChainResult<R>>
Future<ChainResult<double>> serverFetchHandler(int date) async {
final rate = exchangeRateServerMock[date];
if (rate == null) return ChainResult.failure();
return ChainResult.success(rate);
const localDatabaseMock = {
20230217: 22.0,
20230216: 21.0,
20230215: 20.0,
const exchangeRateServerMock = {
20230217: 19.0,
20230216: 17.0,
20230215: 17.0,
20230214: 14.0,
20230213: 13.0,
20230212: 12.0,
// void main() {
// final chain = ResponsibilityChain<int>()
// ..node(() => DatabaseFetchHandler())
// ..node(() => ApiFetchHandler());
// chain.handle().then(print);
// }
// // final chain = ResponsibilityChain<int, void>()
// // ..funcNode((_) => ChainResult.failure())
// // ..funcNode((_) => ChainResult.success(31122003))
// // ..orElse((_) => 0);
// class DatabaseFetchHandler extends ResponsibilityNode<int, void> {
// @override
// Future<ChainResult<int>> handle(void args) async => ChainResult.success(await compute());
// Future<int> compute() {
// return Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
// throw Exception();
// });
// }
// }
// class ApiFetchHandler extends ResponsibilityNode<int, void> {
// @override
// Future<ChainResult<int>> handle(void args) => Future.value(ChainResult.success(14022022));
// }