response_builder 0.0.6 copy "response_builder: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
response_builder: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

Work with asynchronously loaded data with ease. Mixins to enable developer to create widget that builds UI with data from different data source. And request/result listenable as high level obvserable [...]


Exmaples #

Consume AsyncResult from Future #

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<String> {
  final Future<T> dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Calling buildFuture is dataSource is Future
      return buildFuture(dataSource);

  Widget buildValue(BuildContext context, String value) {
    // Implement buildValue contract to render UI when value is successfully fetched
    return Center(
      child: Text(value),

Customize Error View / Loading View #

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<String>> {
  final Future<T> dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Calling buildFuture is dataSource is Future
      return buildFuture(dataSource);

  Widget buildLoading(BuildContext context) {
    // Build Cupertino style UI instead of default Material style
    return Center(
      child: CupertinoActivityIndicator(),

  Widget buildError(BuildContext context, Object error) {
    // Build Cupertino style UI instead of default Material style
    final errorColor = CupertinoColors.systemRed;

    return Center(
      child: Row(children: [
        Icon(CupertinoIcons.exclamationmark_circle, color: errorColor),
        Text(error.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: errorColor)),

  Widget buildValue(BuildContext context, List<String> value) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: value.length,
      builder: (context, index) => Text(value[index]),

Customize Error View / Loading View across the whole app #

void main () {
  DefaultBuildActions.registerDefaultLoadingBuilder((context) {
    return Center(
      child: CupertinoActivityIndicator(),

  DefaultBuildActions.registerDefaultErrorBuilder((context, error) {
    final errorColor = CupertinoColors.systemRed;

    return Center(
      child: Row(children: [
        Icon(CupertinoIcons.xmark_circle, color: errorColor),
        Text(error.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: errorColor)),


Then remove the overrides of buildError and buildLoading, so it can use the default builders.

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<String>> {
  final Future<T> dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Calling buildFuture is dataSource is Future
      return buildFuture(dataSource);

  Widget buildValue(BuildContext context, List<String> value) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: value.length,
      builder: (context, index) => Text(value[index]),

WithEmptyValue protocol #

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<String>>, WithEmptyValue<List<String>>  {
  final Future<T> dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Calling buildFuture is dataSource is Future
      return buildFuture(dataSource);

  // Instead of implement buildValue, you should implement buildContent as minimal implementation
  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, List<String> value) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: value.length,
      builder: (context, index) => Text(value[index]),

Customize Empty Screen #

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<String>>, WithEmptyValue<List<String>>  {
  final Future<T> dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      // Calling buildFuture is dataSource is Future
      return buildFuture(dataSource);

  // Instead of implement buildValue, you should implement buildContent as minimal implementation
  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, List<String> value) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: value.length,
      builder: (context, index) => Text(value[index]),

  Widget buildEmpty(BuildContext context, List emptyContent) {
    // Override Empty Screen
    return Center(
      child: Text("Hooray! No more remaining todo for today!"),

Handle "empty model" #

class MyTableView extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<List<String>>>, WithEmptyValue<List<List<String>>> {
  final Future<List<List<String>>> future;

  const MyTableView({Key key, this.future}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return buildFuture(future);

  // Instead of implement buildValue, you should implement buildContent as minimal implementation
  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, List<List<String>> content) {
    return Table(
      children: => _buildRow(r)).toList(growable: false),

  Widget _buildRow(List<String> rowData) {
    return TableRow(
      children: => Text(c)).toList(growable: false),

  bool checkIsValueEmpty(List<List<String>> value) {
    // Every row in table should have same number of columns, so check first row should be enough
    return value.first.isEmpty;

"Universal" data builder #

class UniversalDataList extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<String>>, WithEmptyValue<List<String>>  {
  final dynamic dataSource;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      if(dataSource is ValueListenable<List<String>>) {
        return buildValueListenable(dataSource); // action from `BuildValueListenable`, depends on BuildValue protocol
      } else if(dataSource is ResultListenable<List<String>>) {
        return buildResultListenable(dataSource); // action from `BuildResultListenable`, depends on BuildResult protocol
      } else if(dataSource is Future<List<String>>) {
        return buildFuture(dataSource); // action from `BuildAsyncSnapshotActions, depends on BuildAsyncSnapshot protocol
      } else if(dataSource is Stream<List<String>>) {
        return buildStream(dataSource); // action from `BuildAsyncSnapshotActions, depends on BuildAsyncSnapshot protocol
      } else if(dataSource is Request<List<String>>) {
        return buildRequest(dataSource); // action from `BuildAsyncSnapshotActions, depends on BuildAsyncSnapshot protocol
      } else if(dataSource is List<String>) {
        return buildValue(context, dataSource); // Calling buildValue contract from BuildValue protocol
      } else {
        throw UnsupportedError("Unsupported data source ${dataSource.runtimeType}");

  // Instead of implement buildValue, you should implement buildContent as minimal implementation
  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, List<String> value) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: value.length,
      builder: (context, index) => Text(value[index]),

Loading data from network with Request #

class MySearchRequest extends Request<List<SearchItem>> {
  final String keywords;


  Future<List<SearchItem>> load() async {
    final response = await keywords);

    if (response.statusCode != 200) {
      throw NetworkException("Failed to execute search, please retry");

    return response.parseBody();

Use Request in widget #

class SearchResultView extends StatelessWidget with BuildAsyncSnapshot<List<SearchItem>>, WithEmptyValue<List<SearchItem>> {
  final MySearchRequest request;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // use method from BuildAsyncSnapshot to render request
    return buildRequest(request);

  Widget buildError(BuildContext context, Object error) {
    return Center(
      child: Row(children: [
          child: Text("Retry"),
          onPressed: () => request.reload(), // Retry to do search again

  Widget buildContent(BuildContext context, List<SearchItem> content) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: content.length,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) => SearchItemView(content[index]),

Use Request as business logic controller instead of using StatefulWidget. #

class MySearchRequest extends Request<List<SearchItem>> {
  final String keywords;


  Future<List<SearchItem>> load() async {
    final response = await keywords);

    if (response.statusCode != 200) {
      throw NetworkException("Failed to execute search, please retry");

    return response.parseBody();

  Future saveSearchResult(SearchResultFile file) async {
    if (this.hasValue) { // Check whether request holds a value
      // write search result to file if it exists
      await file.writes(currentValue);
    } else if (this.hasError) {
      // writes error to file with writeError method
      await file.writeError(currentError);
    // Skip if request is loading.

  Future loadSearchResult(SearchResultFile file) async {
    Future<List<SearchItem>> Function() loadAction =;

    // Feed a future into request, it updates UI just as the UI is listening to the future.
    await execute(loadAction);

  void clearSearchResult() {
    // update request's data with given value

  void trimResult(int limit) {
    // Update request's value based on current value
    // Exception happened during the updating is caught by request and rendered on UI automatically.
    updateValue((current) => current.take(limit).toList());

  Future appendFromFile(SearchResultFile file) {
    // Update request's value based on current value in asynchronous way
    // Exception happened during the updating is caught by request and rendered on UI automatically.
    return updateValueAsync((current) async => current + await;

handle 2-state synchronous result with ResultNotifier #

class FormData {
  final Map<String, ResultNotifier<String>> fields;

  FormData(Map<String, String> initialValues)
      : fields = Map.fromIterables(
          initialValues.keys, // field keys

            // wrap initial with ResultNotifier
            (initialValue) => ResultNotifier(initialValue),

  void invalidField(String fieldName) {
    // String can be thrown
    // Notifier would treat thrown string as error
    // updateValue would only call its callback when it holds value
    fields[fieldName].updateValue((current) => throw current);

  void validField(String fieldName) {
    // Fix error only execute when notifier holds error
    // the returned value is used as value
    // fixError would only call its callback when it holds error
    fields[fieldName].fixError((error) => error);

Build widget with ResultNotifier/ ResultListenable #

class FormFieldView extends StatelessWidget with BuildResult<String> {
  final String fieldName;
  final ResultListenable<String> listenable;

  const FormFieldView({Key key, this.fieldName, this.listenable}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(
      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
      children: [

  Widget buildValue(BuildContext context, String value) {
    return Text(value);

  Widget buildError(BuildContext context, Object error) {
    final errorColor = Theme.of(context).errorColor;

    final badData = error as String;

    return Row(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
          child: Icon(Icons.error_outline, color: errorColor),
        Text(badData, style: TextStyle(color: errorColor)),

Implement Undo and Redo with HistoryValueNotifier #

// Create a HistoryValueNotifier that remembers past 30 changes
final userInputValue = HistoryValueNotifier<String>(31, initialValue: "");

// Use userInputValue as normal `ValueListenable`

// Undo last change

// Redo last user change
pub points



Work with asynchronously loaded data with ease. Mixins to enable developer to create widget that builds UI with data from different data source. And request/result listenable as high level obvserable data source.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues




async, flutter, rxdart


Packages that depend on response_builder