response 1.0.0 copy "response: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
response: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin helps to maintain a clean looking widgets size in all available displays in which the app will be.

Response #

Flutter UI package which will help you to build your responsive UI design as you wanted to be on any device as it recreates every widget to fit the device display size on which the app is working.


Features #

  • Easy to use, with so few but yet powerful methods.
  • Fast, very reliable and readable.
  • Saves you a lot of time trying to fit widget size to different displays.
  • Works on any Android/ IOS device (including iPad).
  • Works in Portrait mode or Landscape mode on the same device.

How to use #

First wrap your MaterialApp widget with Response.

      originalScreenHeight: 759,
      originalScreenWidth: 392,
      child: MaterialApp(
        home: HomePage(),

Note: Responsive needs to be at the top of your Widget Tree to be able to work and rebulid the widgets to a new size as the device display changes.

Note: if you want to use any functions features related to MediaQuery you must change the order to make the Response widget a child to the MaterialApp widget.

Second declare an instance response of ResponseUI() class at the top of your file.

final response = ResponseUI.instance;

And that is all to be able to initialize the package, Very easy!

to use the package on your widget you have 4 easy to use methods:

Name Description
response.setWidth(width) Sets the widget width in pixels value to be relatively constant across all different display sizes.
response.setHeight(height) Sets the widget height in pixels value to be relatively constant across all different display sizes.
response.setFontSize(fontSize) Sets the text size in pixels to be relativly constant on all diplays sizes.
response.isDevicePortrait Helpful if you want to know whether the device orientation is in Portrait or in Landscape.
response.inMobilePortrait Helps you if you want to know whether the device you are working on a Mobile Portrait (returns true) or a Tablet Portrait mode (returns false).
response.screenWidth returns the current device screen width as of type double.
response.screenPixelRatio returns the current device screen ratio. (using MediaQuery)
response.textScaleFactor returns the font scalling factore as of type double. (using MediaQuery)
response.bottomPadding returns the current device screen padding offset from the bottom. (using MediaQuery)
response.topPadding returns the current device screen padding offset from the top. (using MediaQuery)

Note: isDevicePortrait and inMobilePortrait returns a bool (true or false) with which you can know the current orientation state of your device.

Height and Width #

to set a width and height to for example a Container.

//We want the Container Widget to be 200px in width and 200px in height
        width: response.setWidth(300), //setting the Container width to be 300px
        height: response.setHeight(200), //setting the Container height to be 300px
        color: Colors.teal,


Only for version 2.6.0 or above

//We want the Container Widget to be 200px in width and 200px in height
        width: (300.0).asWidth(context), //setting the Container width to be 300px
        height: (200.0).asHieght(context), //setting the Container height to be 300px
        color: Colors.teal,

Note: the scaling process will work also in the same device in both in Portrait mode or in Landscape mode.

Text Size #

to set the text size.

        'This is a Test Text',
        style: TextStyle(
           fontSize: response.setFontSize(24), //defined a fixed font size in pixels
           fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,


Only for Flutter version 2.6.0 or above

        'This is a Test Text',
        style: TextStyle(
           fontSize: (24.0).asFontSize(context), //defined a fixed font size in pixels
           fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

Getting Screen Width & Height #

      text: '\nScreen Height: ${response.screenHeight}px\n', //we are getting back our current device screen 
      //height in pixels.
      style: TextStyle(
        fontSize: response.setFontSize(18),
      text: 'Screen Width: ${response.screenWidth}px', //we are getting back our current device screen 
      //width in pixels.
      style: TextStyle(
        fontSize: response.setFontSize(18),

Contributions #

If you feel like you can contribute to make the package much better and more useful for other developers, don't hesitate to fork the repo and make pull request to your changes.

Source code on Github: here

Inspired #

This package was inspired by Prateek Sharma's great custom responsive UI project.



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Flutter plugin helps to maintain a clean looking widgets size in all available displays in which the app will be.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




Packages that depend on response