research_package 1.6.0 copy "research_package: ^1.6.0" to clipboard
research_package: ^1.6.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter framework for obtaining informed consent, showing surveys and collecting results.

1.6.0 #

  • Add optional footnote option to various RPSteps and add it to the UI

1.5.1 #

  • Fix issue #115 by removing unused widgets, simple_html_css package

1.5.0 #

  • fix of issue #111
  • fix of linter / static analysis issues

1.4.3 #

  • DoubleQuestionFormat and IntegerQuestionFormat now open a keyboard with only numbers, given that is the only accepted format.
  • TextAnswerFormat now has the possibility of disabling all the keyboard "helpers" (e.g., auto corrector, suggestions).
  • Fix of issue #95.
  • Fix of a case in which an RPStep could be null.
  • Fix of LateInitializationError by removing late variables.

1.4.2 #

1.4.1 #

1.4.0 #

  • steps in RPFormStep are now called questions.
  • improvements to API documentation
  • upgrade to Dart 3 and Android APK upgrades
  • fix of issue #86

1.3.2 #

  • Added translation to French and to Portuguese (Portugal version).
  • Added autoFocus to TextAnswerFormat.
  • Added autoSkip, timeout, and autoSubmit to FormStep.
  • Added autoSkip, timeout, and autoFocus to QuestionStep.
  • Added autoSkip and showTime to TimerStep.
  • Adapted colors in Research Package for the Cupertino theme.
  • Added a RPDoubleAnswerFormat.

1.3.1 #

  • Upgrade to carp_serializable: ^1.1.0. Note that this entails that all polymorphic json serialization uses the type key __type. Hence, the json format for all the domain classes is NOT compatible with earlier versions.
  • Update of Material Design names for title, caption, and body text.
  • Added the ResearchPackage.ensureInitialized() static method to be compliant with the other CARP packages.

1.2.1 #

  • Added usage of detailText on RPChoices.
  • Small bug fixes

1.2.0 #

  • Upgrade of pubspec dependencies to latest versions.

1.1.0 #

  • Support for initializing json serialization by calling the ResearchPackage() factory method. This allows for dynamic loading of survey or informed consents from a json configuration.

1.0.0 #

  • First stable release
  • RPActivityStep made serializable.
  • Upgraded to Dart 2.18 and Fluter 3
  • Refactoring to comply to official Dart recommended lint rules
  • Upgrade of several constructors to use super which break backwards compatibility to version 0.9.3
  • Update of demo app
  • Update and clean up in API documentation.

0.9.3 #

  • Changed dependency from carp_core to carp_serializable, to reduce unnecessary dependencies.

0.9.2 #

  • Added a unfocus between question to avoid the keyboard remaining on the screen after answering a question.

0.9.1 #

  • Fixed a big in the signature during consent review.

0.9.0 #

  • Research Package now translates the TaskResult and steps from the localization keys to the localized values.
  • Small updates to the example app
  • Small fixes to localization in the package and the example app.

0.8.0 #

  • Updated deprecated theme usages.
  • Added the RPTimerStep and serialization.
  • Added Audiofileplayer plugin for the RPTimerStep
  • Updated README
  • Updated .gitignore

0.7.3 #

  • Update to carp_core v. 0.33.0
  • Misc. cleanup in Android example app configurations

0.7.2+3 #

  • Updated signature to 5.0.0

0.7.2+2 #

  • Changed asset urls to be specific urls of the assets
  • Added a new "Checkmark" in the RPCompletionStep

0.7.2+1 #

  • Changed brightness input on CupertinoDateTimePicker for RPDateTimeAnswerFormat to use Theme brightness instead of System brightness.

0.7.2 #

  • added base method for calculateScore() method into RPActivityStep class. Which is overridden by any child class that extends RPActivityStep

0.7.1 #

  • fix / enhancement of localization based on issue #54.

0.7.0 #

  • Removed Boolean questions, including answer format for simplicity and navigation changes. (Use regular RPChoices now)
  • Removed Predicate Navigation rules, for simplicity and navigation changes. (Use RPStepJumpRule now)
  • JSON serialization to/from json, now retains the navigation rules added. Previously the navigation was lost after conversion.
  • Updated example app
  • Fixed issues #58, #59, #60, #61
  • Small bugfixes

0.6.7 #

  • Added Activity Steps as RPActivityStep - A class that allows for the making of Cognitive Tests
  • Added Activity Result as RPActivityResult - A class for storing the result of a Cognitive test
  • Added RPActivityEventLogger - used for logging small events during each activity step
  • Include json serialization for added classes.

0.6.6 #

  • update to carp_core v. 0.31.0

0.6.5+1 #

  • update to UI rendering in the Informed Consent based on PR #51.
  • update to UI rendering in the Informed Consent based on PR #50.
  • updating README to link to the new tutorials on

0.6.4 #

  • RPLocalizationsDelegate now support multiple loaders which can merge translations from several sources.

0.6.3 #

  • Changed background color element from backgroundColor -> scaffoldBackgroundColor.
  • Updated RPConsentSection to also take a custom title on predefined section types.
  • Fixed an issue with the cupertinoDatePicker in dark mode, that caused the picker to not follow the theme values.
  • Added headline6 to questions step titles.

0.6.2 #

  • Additional customizable text in the theme
  • Example app updated
  • Textfield hintText uses the 'text' parameter.

0.6.1 #

  • Bug fix (Missing signature)

0.6.0 #

  • Null safety added.
  • Theming updated using PR #24
  • Minor fixes

0.5.5 #

  • small update to robustness and debug info in RPLocalizations

0.5.4 #

  • update to the localization model (RPLocalizations) so that:
    • the localization of the embedded text in RP is now part of RP (you don't need to worry about this anymore)
    • localization of informed consent and survey is (still) in the assets/lang/ folder
    • support for custom [LocalizationLoader]s which can load translations from other sources
  • another localization class has been added AssetsLocalizations, which can load translations from json files. This is useful for e.g. simple localization of static text in an app
  • example app update to illustrate the use of both types of localization

0.5.3+1 #

  • small updates to documentation
  • making RPTask serializable instead of abstract
  • fix to translate method

0.5.2 #

  • update of json serialization in informed consent domain model
  • updated example and unit test on RPConsentSection for passive data collection

0.5.0 #

  • Included the carp_core which allow for de/serialization of RP models to/from json, while also supporting polymorphism (e.g., that an RPAnswerFormat can have different implementations). See issue #12.
  • all .withParams() and similar constructors have been replaced with named constructors (as recommended in Dart).
  • added unit test to verify json de/serialization.
  • all examples and the demo app updated accordingly.

0.4.1 #

  • Fixed error in consent that caused it to have 2 top bars
  • Updated docs
  • Score fixes

0.4.0 #

  • Merged beta.1.0
  • Added RPTextAnswerFormat (a format for getting written answers from the user)
  • Minor bugfixes

0.4.0-beta.1.0 #

  • Updated UI for several elements:
    • RPQuestionStep (incl. most answer formats)
    • RPFormStep
    • RPInstructionStep
    • RPVisualConsentStep
  • Added new consent types:
    • User data collection
    • Passive data collection
  • Added simple support for theming in Research Package
  • Minor bug fixes

0.3.2+3 #

  • updates to documentation of RP and example app

0.3.2+2 #

  • Added RPJumpStepRule - A navigation rule to jump to questions based on the chosen answer to the question.

0.3.2+1 #

  • Revert of AnimationController

0.3.2 #

  • Updated AnimationControllers to Flutter 1.22
  • Removed "Activity Steps" to be released in a separate package
  • Merged small-scale branching feature
  • Minor bugfixes

0.3.1+1 #

  • onCancel callback changed to only optional

0.3.1 #

  • onCancel callback added to Tasks

0.3.0 #

  • RPActivityStep and RPActivityResult added with including UI.
  • 8 cognitive tests added as activity steps.
  • Dependencies updated
  • Minor bugfixes

0.2.1 #

  • FormStep now supports Slider, Image, Date and Boolean Answer Formats as well

0.2.0 #

  • Support for Navigable Tasks
    • Branching support with RPDirectStepNavigationRule and RPPredicateStepNavigationRule
    • Navigation to previous questions
    • Currently supports:
      • Boolean Answer Format
      • Choice Answer Format
  • Localization added
    • Demo app available now in English and Danish
  • Support for new Answer Format
    • Boolean
  • UI updates, bug fixes

0.1.2 #

  • Support for new Answer Formats
    • Slider
    • Date and Time
    • Image Choice
  • rx_dart dependency updated to ^0.23.0
  • Small bug fixes and documentation update

0.1.1 #

  • json_annotation dependency updated to ^3.0.0
  • rx_dart dependency updated to ^0.22.0

0.1.0 #

  • Form Step feature added
  • Bug fixing

0.0.4 #

  • Example application added

0.0.3 #

  • Initial release for Pub
  • Support for three Answer Formats
    • Single Choice
    • Multiple Choice
    • Integer

0.0.2 #

  • Added initial support for serialization to/from JSON
  • JSON serialization is available for these classes:
    • RPAnswerFormat
    • RPChoiceAnswerFormat
    • RPIntegerAnswerFormat
    • RPConsentDocument
    • RPConsentSection
    • RPSignatureResult
    • RPStepResult
    • RPTaskResult
    • RPChoice

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release
  • Entire framework done
  • Support for SingleChoice question type
pub points



A Flutter framework for obtaining informed consent, showing surveys and collecting results.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


carp_serializable, flutter, json_annotation, just_audio, rxdart, signature


Packages that depend on research_package