requests 3.2.0 copy "requests: ^3.2.0" to clipboard
requests: ^3.2.0 copied to clipboard


a flutter library that helps with http requests and stored cookies


a flutter library to make HTTP requests (inspired by python requests module). It comes with JSON support and a lightweight implementation to store cookies like a browser.

Cookies, huh? #

Server side cookies (via response header SET-COOKIE) are stored using the assistance of shared_preferences. Stored cookies will be send seamlessly on the next http requests you make to the same domain (simple implementation, similar to a web browser)

Install #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  requests: ^3.2.0

Usage #

Start by importing the library

import 'package:requests/requests.dart';

Let's make a simple HTTP request

var r = await Requests.get('');
String body = r.content();

the Response object #

just like in python's request module, the Response object has this functionallity

  • r.throwForStatus() - will throw an exception if the response statusCode is not a great success.
  • r.raiseForStatus() - same as throwForStatus
  • r.statusCode - the response status code
  • r.url - the url in the request
  • r.headers - the response headers
  • r.success - a boolean. true indicates that the request was a great success
  • r.hasError - a boolean. true indicates that the request was not a great success
  • r.bytes() - return the body in the respone as a list of bytes
  • r.content() - return the body in the respone as a string
  • r.json() - recodes the body in the respone and returns the result (dynamic type)

Optional Arguments #

  • json - a dynamic object that will be json encoded and then be set as the request's body
  • body - a raw string to be used as the request's body
  • bodyEncoding - default RequestBodyEncoding.FormURLEncoded. will set the content-type header
  • headers - Map<String, String> of custom client headers to add in the request
  • timeoutSeconds - default 10 seconds. after that period of time without server response an exception is thrown
  • persistCookies - default true. if should respect server's command to persist cookie
  • verify - default true. if the SSL verification enabled

💡 Only one optional argument can be used in a single request body or json

Class Methods #

  • .getHostname(url) - returns the hostname of the given url
  • .clearStoredCookies(hostname) - clears the stored cookies for the hostname
  • .setStoredCookies(hostname, Map<String, String>) - set the stored cookies for the hostname
  • .getStoredCookies(hostname) - returns a Map<String, String> of the stored cookies for the hostname

Examples #

HTTP post, body encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, parse response as json

var r = await
  body: {
    'userId': 10,
    'id': 91,
    'title': 'aut amet sed',
  bodyEncoding: RequestBodyEncoding.FormURLEncoded);

dynamic json = r.json();

HTTP delete

var r = await Requests.delete('');

Ignore SSL self-signed certificate

var r = await Requests.get('', verify: false);

Play with stored cookies

String url = '';
String hostname = Requests.getHostname(url);
await Requests.clearStoredCookies(hostname);
await Requests.setStoredCookies(hostname, {'session': 'bla'});
var cookies = await Requests.getStoredCookies(hostname);
expect(cookies.keys.length, 1);
await Requests.clearStoredCookies(hostname);
cookies = await Requests.getStoredCookies(hostname);
expect(cookies.keys.length, 0);

Business vector created by freepik -

pub points


unverified uploader

a flutter library that helps with http requests and stored cookies

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


crypto, flutter, hex, http, logging, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on requests