replay_riverpod 0.0.1-dev.1 replay_riverpod: ^0.0.1-dev.1 copied to clipboard
An extension to the flutter_riverpod library which adds support for undo and redo.
An extension to package:riverpod which adds automatic undo and redo support to riverpod states.
Like package:bloc.
Learn more at!
Creating a ReplayStateNotifier #
class CounterNotifer extends ReplayStateNotifier<int> {
CounterNotifer() : super(0);
void increment() => emit(state + 1);
Using a CounterNotifer #
void main() {
final notifier = CounterNotifer();
// trigger a state change
print(notifier.state); // 1
// undo the change
print(notifier.state); // 0
// redo the change
print(notifier.state); // 1
ReplayStateNotifierMixin #
If you wish to be able to use a ReplayStateNotifier
in conjuction with a different type of state notifier like HydratedStateNotifier
available with the package package:hydrated_riverpod, you can use the ReplayStateNotifierMixin
class CounterNotifier extends HydratedStateNotifier<int> with ReplayStateNotifierMixin {
CounterNotifier() : super(0);
void increment() => emit(state + 1);
void decrement() => emit(state - 1);
int fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => json['value'] as int;
Map<String, int> toJson(int state) => {'value': state};