release_to_trigger 0.0.1 copy "release_to_trigger: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
release_to_trigger: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A highly customizable Flutter package that triggers an action when the user pulls down from the top or pulls up from the bottom of the screen and releases it. Similar to Instagram's 'Swipe Up' functio [...]

0.0.1 - Initial Release #

Features: #

  • Release to Trigger Action: A Flutter widget designed to capture vertical swipe gestures and trigger a custom action when the user releases the swipe at a defined height. Ideal for refreshing content, loading actions, or any custom user interaction.
  • Configurable Sensitivity: Customize the height sensitivity for detecting a swipe (both at the top or bottom of the screen), allowing you to control how much the user must pull before the action is triggered.
  • Top and Bottom Swipes: Control whether the gesture triggers from the top or bottom of the screen using the top parameter.
  • Swipe Progress Indicator: A circular progress indicator shows swipe progress in real-time, dynamically adjusting based on the distance the user has pulled.
  • Customizable Design: Parameters for customizing colors, background, and text (e.g., initialText and triggeredText) for a personalized look and feel.
  • Callback on Trigger: Execute any custom functionality by providing a callback via the onTrigger parameter, allowing developers to integrate custom actions seamlessly.

Example Usage: #

  • Set up an interactive swipe action to load content, perform tasks, or refresh data when the user pulls and releases at a certain point.
  top: false,  // Trigger from the bottom
  backgroundColor: Colors.teal,
  progressColor: Colors.amber,
  initialText: 'Pull to load something cool',
  triggeredText: 'Release to see magic',
  triggerHeight: 150.0,  // Trigger action when 150px is pulled
  onTrigger: () {
    print("Trigger action executed!");
  child: Container(
    color: Colors.white,
    child: Center(
      child: Text("Swipe down to interact"),

Parameters: #

  • backgroundColor (Color): Sets the background color of the pull container. Defaults to Colors.blueAccent.

  • progressColor (Color): Color of the CircularProgressIndicator shown during the pull gesture. Defaults to Colors.white.

  • initialText (String): The text displayed while the user is pulling but has not yet reached the threshold. Defaults to 'Swipe to trigger'.

  • triggeredText (String): The text displayed when the user has pulled beyond the threshold and should release to trigger the action. Defaults to 'Release to trigger action'.

  • triggerHeight (double): Defines the height the user must pull before the action is triggered. Defaults to 100.0.

  • pullSensitivityHeight (double): Height limit from the top/bottom of the screen where the pull gesture can be detected. Defaults to 100.0.

  • top (bool): Determines if the pull-to-trigger effect should appear at the top (true) or the bottom (false). Defaults to true.

  • onTrigger (Function): A required callback function that gets executed when the user pulls beyond the threshold and releases.

  • child (Widget): The main content of the app that will be displayed, wrapped by the ReleaseToTrigger widget.

How It Works: #

  1. Drag Start: When the user starts pulling within the pullSensitivityHeight (either from the top or bottom), the widget tracks the drag offset and progress.

  2. Progress Display: As the user continues to pull, the CircularProgressIndicator reflects the current progress, and the status text changes if the threshold is crossed.

  3. Action Trigger: If the user pulls past the triggerHeight and releases, the onTrigger callback is executed, allowing custom actions (e.g., refreshing content, loading more data) to be performed.

Planned Improvements: #

  • Horizontal pull support.
  • Adding more animation customization for the pull and release actions.
  • Improved handling of edge cases like fast pulls and swipes.

This is the initial release (version 0.0.1) of the release_to_trigger package, with essential features for handling pull-to-trigger gestures and customizable feedback.



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A highly customizable Flutter package that triggers an action when the user pulls down from the top or pulls up from the bottom of the screen and releases it. Similar to Instagram's 'Swipe Up' functionality, this package allows developers to customize the pull threshold, progress indicator, colors, and trigger text. Ideal for implementing features like 'pull to refresh' or 'load more' actions.

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