reflector_dispatcher 1.0.0 reflector_dispatcher: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A method introspector/invoker that can operate with a Reflectable class. Facilitates invoking an API for JSON-RPC server side implementation.
import 'package:reflector_dispatcher/reflector_dispatcher.dart';
import 'package:reflectable/reflectable.dart';
/// this import does not exist until you run the builder
/// (presuming this is in an 'example' folder)
/// > pub run build_runner build example
/// or > flutter pub run build_runner build example
import 'reflector_dispatcher_example.reflectable.dart';
// Annotate with this class to enable reflection.
class Reflector extends Reflectable {
const Reflector()
: super(
invokingCapability, // Request the capability to invoke methods.
declarationsCapability); // needed for introspecting methods.
const reflectable = Reflector();
/// Look in test/reflector_dispatcher_test.dart for additional examples.
/// Make a class with the API we want. Something silly but instructive.
/// Hold count in Foo.
class Foo {
num _count = 0;
/// initialize with a count
/// increment with an optional positional parameter
void increment([num aNumber = 1]) => _count += aNumber;
/// decrement with a required named parameter
void decrement({required num aNumber}) => _count -= aNumber;
/// get the current value of count
num getCount() => _count;
/// we decrement by 2 a lot.
num goTwoLess() {
_count -= 2;
return _count;
void main() async {
// do this before using the ReflectorDispatcher
/// make a dispatcher with an initialized instance of Foo class and its
/// introspected data
var dispatcher = ReflectorDispatcher(Foo(29), reflectable);
/// dispatch a method with a parameter
await dispatcher.dispatch('increment', 4);
/// get the new value
var c = await (dispatcher.dispatch('getCount'));
printCount(c); // 33
/// dispatch a method with a named parameter
await dispatcher.dispatch('decrement', {'aNumber': 18});
var d = await (dispatcher.dispatch('getCount'));
printCount(d); // 15
/// dispatch a method without a parameter
await dispatcher.dispatch('increment');
var e = await (dispatcher.dispatch('getCount'));
printCount(e); // 16
var f = await dispatcher.dispatch('goTwoLess');
printCount(f); // 14
void printCount(num aCount) {
print('the currentCount is $aCount');