reflectable 4.0.12 copy "reflectable: ^4.0.12" to clipboard
reflectable: ^4.0.12 copied to clipboard

Reflection support based on code generation, using 'capabilities' to specify which operations to support, on which objects.


// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart Team. All rights reserved. Use of this
// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.

// Try out some reflective invocations.
// Build with `cd ..; dart run build_runner build example`.

import 'package:reflectable/reflectable.dart';
import 'example.reflectable.dart';

class MyReflectable extends Reflectable {
  const MyReflectable() : super(invokingCapability);

const myReflectable = MyReflectable();

class A {
  int arg0() => 42;
  int arg1(int x) => x - 42;
  int arg1to3(int x, int y, [int z = 0, w]) => x + y + z * 42;
  int argNamed(int x, int y, {int z = 42}) => x + y - z;
  int operator +(int x) => 42 + x;
  int operator [](int x) => 42 + x;
  void operator []=(x, v) {
    f = x + v;

  int operator -() => -f;
  int operator ~() => f + 2;

  int f = 0;

  static int noArguments() => 42;
  static int oneArgument(x) => x - 42;
  static int optionalArguments(x, y, [z = 0, w]) => x + y + z * 42;
  static int namedArguments(int x, int y, {int z = 42}) => x + y - z;

void main() {
  // The program execution must start run this initialization before
  // any reflective features can be used.

  // Get hold of a few mirrors.
  var instance = A();
  InstanceMirror instanceMirror = myReflectable.reflect(instance);
  var classMirror = myReflectable.reflectType(A) as ClassMirror;

  // Invocations of methods accepting positional arguments (printing '42').
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('arg0', []));
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('arg1', [84]));
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('arg1to3', [40, 2]));
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('arg1to3', [1, -1, 1]));
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('arg1to3', [21, 21, 0, 'foo']));

  // Invocations of methods accepting named arguments (printing '42').
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('argNamed', [55, 29]));
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('argNamed', [21, 21], {#z: 0}));

  // Invocations of operators.
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('+', [42])); // '84'.
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('[]', [42])); // '84'.
  instanceMirror.invoke('[]=', [1, 2]);
  print(instance.f); // '3'.
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('unary-', [])); // '-3'.
  print(instanceMirror.invoke('~', [])); // '5'.

  // Similar invocations on static methods (printing '42').
  print(classMirror.invoke('noArguments', []));
  print(classMirror.invoke('oneArgument', [84]));
  print(classMirror.invoke('optionalArguments', [40, 2]));
  print(classMirror.invoke('optionalArguments', [1, -1, 1]));
  print(classMirror.invoke('optionalArguments', [21, 21, 0, 'foo']));
  print(classMirror.invoke('namedArguments', [55, 29]));
  print(classMirror.invoke('namedArguments', [21, 21], {#z: 0}));


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Reflection support based on code generation, using 'capabilities' to specify which operations to support, on which objects.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


analyzer, build, build_config, build_resolvers, build_runner, build_runner_core, dart_style, glob, logging, package_config, path, source_span


Packages that depend on reflectable