refena 2.1.0 copy "refena: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
refena: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

A state management library for Dart and Flutter. Inspired by Riverpod and async_redux.

2.1.0 #

  • feat: MessageEvent and ActionDispatchedEvent now also refer to ChangeEvent or RebuildEvent as origin

2.0.0 #

  • BREAKING: To dispatch global actions using BuildContext or Ref, use or instead of context.dispatch or ref.dispatch
  • BREAKING: Remove debugLabel from notifier constructors, override customDebugLabel instead
  • BREAKING: ViewModelBuilder: change parameters of init and initBuild from (context, ref) to (context)
  • BREAKING: ViewModelBuilder: change placeholder to loadingBuilder, error to errorBuilder
  • BREAKING: ViewModelBuilder: split initBuild into onFirstFrame and onFirstLoadingFrame

1.6.1 #

  • docs: update redux documentation and readme

1.6.0 #

  • feat: add ViewBuildContext mixin to access BuildContext inside a notifier
  • feat: change id to refenaId inside notifiers and redux actions to avoid collisions with business logic

1.5.1 #

  • docs: update documentation

1.5.0 #

  • feat: add debugVisibleInGraph parameter to family shorthand constructors
  • feat: allow passing the whole family to ref.rebuild
  • feat(inspector): add redux page

1.4.0 #

  • feat: make FutureProvider and StreamProvider rebuildable ( is allowed)
  • feat: add a family version of StreamProvider
  • feat: add Ref.rebuild to manually rebuild a rebuildable provider
  • feat: and ref.future work with family providers

1.3.0 #

  • feat: add Ref.accessor
  • feat: add context.dispatch and context.dispatchAsync shorthands to dispatch global actions
  • feat(tracing): show GlobalAction icon

1.2.0 #

  • feat: add initialBuild to mixin as an alternative to ensureRef that is called before the first build
  • feat: add initBuild to ViewModelBuilder to access the ref before the first build
  • feat: add debugVisibleInGraph parameter to providers to hide them in the dependency graph
  • fix: possible NPE when disposing a widget while triggering a rebuild

1.1.0 #

  • feat: add onChanged parameter to all providers
  • feat(debug): print warning if a provider is watched multiple times in a ViewProvider or in a WatchAction
  • fix: initialize provider overrides synchronously on Flutter Web

1.0.1 #

  • fix: should not print "watch-outside-build" warning in release mode
  • docs: update Riverpod topic and README

1.0.0 #

  • Marking Refena as stable
  • feat: do not depend on collection package anymore
  • fix: disable warning print (of watching the same provider multiple times) due to false positives
  • BREAKING: disallow using ViewModelBuilder with family providers (use instead)

0.45.0 #

  • feat: add and as a replacement for of Riverpod
  • feat: should support family providers and select

0.44.0 #

  • feat: add container.exists, container.getActiveProviders
  • feat: add describeState method to notifiers for customized state descriptions
  • feat: WatchAction has trackOrigin disabled by default
  • fix: missing StreamController.dispose when ref.dispose is called

0.43.0 #

  • feat: print error message when the same provider is watched multiple times in a build method
  • BREAKING: WatchAction should not update the dependencies of the notifier anymore

0.42.0 #

  • feat: add,, context.notifier, context.redux shorthands
  • feat: add trackOrigin property to ReduxAction to allow disabling origin tracking
  • feat(graph): update node colors
  • fix: should unwatch old providers when not watched during build

0.41.0 #

  • feat: add StreamProvider
  • feat: add dispose to WatchAction

0.40.4 #

  • fix: missing export of ViewModelBuilder

0.40.3 #

  • fix: dependency constraints

0.40.2 #

  • docs: fix documentation

0.40.1 #

  • feat: add redux and external() to ReduxNotifier to dispatch actions inside init
  • feat: add ViewModelBuilder to watch exactly one provider with auto dispose
  • feat: add Dispatcher.ofNotifier constructor

0.40.0 #

  • feat: add WatchAction, a new class of action that can watch other providers to rebuild the state

0.39.0 #

  • feat: AsyncValue.maybeWhen should also use the previous value during loading to match the behavior of AsyncValue.when
  • feat: add globalReduxProvider.overrideWithGlobalReducer to override the global reducer
  • feat: add dispatchedActions to RefenaHistoryObserver to access dispatched actions
  • BREAKING: change overrides parameter of ReduxProvider.overrideWithReducer to reducer
  • BREAKING: change TestableNotifier to NotifierTester (the same for TestableAsyncNotifier and TestableReduxNotifier)

0.38.0 #

  • feat: add RefenaScope.withContainer constructor to use an existing RefenaContainer
  • fix: should expose WatchableRef instead of WatchableRefImpl in the Refena mixin

0.37.0 #

Announcing refena_riverpod_extension: a new package to ease migration from Riverpod. See refena_riverpod_extension for more details.

  • feat(tracing): improve label text of ChangeEvents

0.36.0 #

  • feat: add RefreshAction, a new class of action that reduces the boilerplate when refreshing ReduxNotifiers with data type AsyncValue
  • feat: add to map the data type of AsyncValue while keeping the error / loading state
  • feat: add (AsyncValue<T1>, ..., AsyncValue<TN>).join to join multiple AsyncValues into one
  • BREAKING: remove ref.watchWithPrev, AsyncValue already contains the previous value
  • BREAKING: shorten AsyncValue constructors to and AsyncValue.error

0.35.0 #

  • fix(inspector): should use filtered events from RefenaTracingObserver
  • fix(graph): dragging nodes on Android buggy

0.34.0 #

  • fix(graph): should not change defaultRef

0.33.0 #

  • feat(graph): highlight and move around nodes

0.32.1 #

  • fix(tracing): should format maps with custom types correctly

0.32.0 #

  • feat: add debugOrigin to ProviderDisposeEvent and trace it in RefenaTracingPage
  • BREAKING: ProviderDisposeEvent do not have a notifier attribute anymore

0.31.0 #

  • feat(graph): add animation
  • fix(tracing): correctly assign the parent action of an action
  • BREAKING: defaultNotifyStrategy is now NotifyStrategy.equality instead of NotifyStrategy.identity

0.30.0 #

Announcing refena_inspector: a new package to visualize the dependency graph and events in real-time. See refena_inspector for more details.

  • BREAKING: RefenaScope or RefenaContainer now have an observers parameter instead of observer, which is a list of observers instead of a single observer
  • fix: observers should not receive events if init is not called

0.29.0 #

  • BREAKING: rebranding to Refena

0.28.0 #

  • feat: add RiverpieGraphPage to visualize the dependency graph of notifiers
  • feat: notifiers expose a provider getter to access the corresponding provider
  • fix: ref.dispose should also dispose dependencies
  • fix: change method signature generics of ReduxAction.external to keep the state type
  • fix: handle case when action is finished after the notifier is disposed

0.27.0 #

  • feat(ReduxProvider): allow to override initialState
  • feat(TracingPage): hide time column by default (can be enabled via constructor)
  • feat(TracingPage): add exclude, include and query constructor parameters to filter events
  • feat(TracingPage): format action result as JSON if possible

0.26.0 #

  • feat: add ref.container to access low-level APIs of RiverpieContainer
  • feat: add container.set to override providers even after initialization

0.25.0 #

  • feat: add disposeAction getter to ReduxNotifier
  • feat: small improvements for RiverpieTracingPage
  • feat: improve RiverpieDebugObserver logging for dispatching actions
  • fix: correctly dispose ViewProvider when ref.dispose is called
  • BREAKING: remove listener added/removed events due to excessive logging with little value

0.24.0 #

  • feat: add GlobalAction, a family of actions that don't belong to any notifier
  • BREAKING: Change with AddonActions to with GlobalActions

0.23.0 #

  • feat: throw full async stack trace when using dispatchAsync
  • feat: add postInit for notifiers
  • BREAKING: ReduxNotifiers should not dispatch actions directly anymore, override the getter initialAction instead

0.22.0 #

  • feat: make add-on actions customizable
  • feat: add errorParser to RiverpieTracingPage to better visualize errors
  • feat: add default parser for DioException (without introducing a dependency to dio)
  • fix: should emit events within init of a ReduxNotifier
  • BREAKING: events now have millisSinceEpoch instead of microsSinceEpoch

0.21.0 #

  • feat: add addon to ReduxAction
  • feat: show execution time of ReduxAction in RiverpieTracingPage
  • BREAKING: change ref.emitMessage to ref.message

0.20.0 #

  • feat: add NavigationService, example usage:
  • feat: add SnackBarService, example usage:'Hello')
  • feat: add ref.dispose(provider)
  • feat: add ref.emitMessage to emit custom messages to the observer

0.19.0 #

  • feat: add error handling for redux actions
  • feat: access ref within observers
  • feat: add defaultNotifyStrategy parameter for RiverpieScope
  • feat: improve RiverpieTracingPage UI
  • feat: export ProviderOverride

0.18.0 #

  • feat: improve RiverpieTracingPage UI

0.17.0 #

  • feat: add RiverpieTracingObserver and RiverpieTracingPage
  • BREAKING: distinguish between sync and async ReduxAction (see updated documentation)

0.16.0 #

  • fix: should update config
  • feat: add Provider.overrideWithValue
  • BREAKING: Provider.overrideWithValue to Provider.overrideWithBuilder
  • BREAKING: renaming setup to internalSetup to avoid name clashes

0.15.1 #

  • fix: missing FutureFamilyProvider export

0.15.0 #

  • BREAKING: ReduxAction is now action based instead of event based

0.14.0 #

  • feat: add ChangeNotifierProvider
  • feat: add FutureFamilyProvider

0.13.0 #

  • feat: add provider.overrideWithFuture for regular providers (should call scope.ensureOverrides)
  • fix: refer to non-override from override

0.12.0 #

  • feat: add origin of event (widget or notifier) to EventEmittedEvent
  • feat: add Notifier.test, AsyncNotifier.test and ReduxNotifier.test
  • BREAKING: ReduxNotifier requires a ReduxProvider now
  • BREAKING: recommended emit method is ref.redux(myReduxProvider).emit(MyEvent())

0.11.0 #

  • feat: add ReduxNotifier
  • feat: add to only rebuild when a specific value changes
  • feat: add toString implementation to AsyncValue
  • feat: add toString implementation to providers
  • feat: add more options for RiverpieHistoryObserver
  • fix: missing ref in AsyncNotifier
  • BREAKING: add ref parameter to provider overrides
  • BREAKING: rename ChangeEvent.flagRebuild to ChangeEvent.rebuild

0.10.0 #

  • BREAKING: use riverpie_flutter for Flutter projects
  • BREAKING: change AsyncSnapshot to AsyncValue to decouple from Flutter

0.9.0 #

  • feat: add AsyncNotifierProvider and the corresponding AsyncNotifier
  • feat: add ref.future to access the Future of an AsyncNotifierProvider or a FutureProvider
  • feat: add ref.watchWithPrev to access the previous value of an AsyncNotifierProvider

0.8.0 #

  • feat: add context.ref to also access ref inside StatelessWidget
  • feat: add RiverpieMultiObserver to use multiple observers at once

0.7.0 #

  • feat: add ViewProvider, the only provider that can watch other providers
  • feat: add initialProviders parameter for RiverpieScope
  • feat: add exclude parameter for RiverpieDebugObserver
  • BREAKING: setState of StateProvider accepts a builder instead of a value

0.6.0 #

  • feat: add RiverpieObserver and RiverpieDebugObserver
  • feat: add StateProvider for simple use cases
  • BREAKING: add ref parameter for ensureRef callback

0.5.1 #

  • fix: lint fixes

0.5.0 #

  • feat: RiverpieScope.defaultRef for global access to ref
  • feat: for manual stream access
  • feat:, rebuildWhen: (prev, next) => ...) for more control over when to rebuild
  • feat: use ensureRef within initState for ref access within initialization logic
  • BREAKING: removed ref.listen, use, listener: (prev, next) => ...) instead

0.4.0 #

  • BREAKING: Consumer does not have a child anymore, use ExpensiveConsumer instead

0.3.0 #

  • feat: add FutureProvider

0.2.0 #

  • feat: introduction of PureNotifier, a Notifier without access to ref
  • BREAKING: add ref as parameter to every provider
  • BREAKING: change ref.notify to ref.notifier

0.1.1 #

  • docs: update

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release
pub points



A state management library for Dart and Flutter. Inspired by Riverpod and async_redux.

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#state #provider #riverpod #framework #redux


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