reduced 0.4.0
reduced: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
Uniform API for the basic features of state management frameworks.
reduced #
Minimal API for the basic features of state management frameworks:
- Read a current state value.
- Update a current state value.
- Callbacks with value semantics
The app logic based mainly on these features should remain as independent as possible from the state management framework used. Therefore, the app logic needs a neutral state management API and an implementation of this API for the state management framework used.
The former is provided by this package. The latter is provided by other packages listed at the end of the README.
Features #
The 'reduced' API covers the following features of a state management framework:
1. Read a current state value. #
abstract class Store {
S get state;
Samples of Store.get state
get state => super.state;
get state => _state;
2. Update a current state value. #
abstract class Store {
void process(Event<S> event);
Instead of writing the state value directly, the API provides a process
method that accepts a called event
as a parameter.
In the process
method the event
is executed with the current state value as a parameter and the return value of the event
is stored as the new state value.
Samples of Store.process
process(event) => add(event);
process(event) => state = event(state);
abstract class Event<S> {
S call(S state);
All Event implementations must be derived from the Event
base class.
Samples of Event
class CounterIncremented extends Event<int>
2.1 StateToPropsMapper function typedef
typedef StateToPropsMapper<S, P> = P Function(
S state,
EventProcessor<S> processor,
A StateToPropsMapper
is a Function
that uses the state
and the procesor
parameters to map the current state of a store into a derived 'selective' state value. Only the changes to this derived 'selective' state value determine whether a rebuild of the widget is triggered. In order for changes to be detected correctly, the derived 'selective' state value must have value semantics.
With a StateToPropsMapper
function usually a props
parameter for a WidgetFromPropsBuilder
function is created.
Samples of PropsBuilder
final StateToPropsMapper<S, P1> propsBuilder1;
required StateToPropsMapper<S, P> propsBuilder,
2.2 WidgetFromPropsBuilder function typedef
typedef WidgetFromPropsBuilder<P> = Widget Function({
Key? key,
required P props,
A WidgetFromPropsBuilder
is a Function
that builds a new widget from the properties of the passed props
parameter. That is, the props
parameter must contain all the properties necessary for building the widget.
Samples of WidgetFromPropsBuilder
final WidgetFromPropsBuilder<MyHomePageProps> builder;
required WidgetFromPropsBuilder<P> builder,
2.3 Events with additional parameters
abstract class Event1<S, V> {
S call(S state, V value);
abstract class Event2<S, V1, V2> {
S call(S state, V1 value1, V2 value2);
abstract class Event3<S, V1, V2, V3> ...
Sample of Event1
class ItemAdded extends Event1<AppState, int>
2.4 Adapter implementations for Events with parameters
class Parametrized1Event<S, V> extends Event<S> {
Parametrized1Event(this.adaptee, this.value);
final Event1<S, V> adaptee;
final V value;
@override call(state) =>, value);
@override get hashCode => ...
@override operator ==(other) ...
class Parametrized2Event<S, V1, V2> extends Event<S> ...
class Parametrized3Event<S, V1, V2, V3> extends Event<S> ...
Sample of Parametrized1Event
Parametrized1Event(ItemRemoved(), value),
3. Callbacks with value semantics #
Many widgets have callback properties of type Function
. The Function
type has no value semantics (each function is unique), this also applies to anonymous functions, which are often used as values for widget callback properties.
If value semantics are needed, Callable
can be used for callback properties in the derived 'selective' state values instead of anonymous functions.
abstract class Callable<T> {
T call();
abstract class Callable1<T, V> {
T call(V value);
abstract class Callable2<T, V1, V2> {
T call(V1 value1, V2 value2);
abstract class Callable3<T, V1, V2, V3> {
T call(V1 value1, V2 value2, V3 value3);
Samples of Callable
typedef VoidCallable = Callable<void>;
final Callable<void> onPressed;
If the signatures of a widget callback property's function and the call
method of a callable
match, then the callable
is assignment-compatible with the widget callback property, e.g.:
Callable1<String?, String> validator = ...
validator: validator,
3.1 EventCariar - Adapter implementations of Callable(s)
An EventCarrier carries an event to an EventProcessor and let the processor process the event.
class EventCarrier<S> extends Callable<void> {
const EventCarrier(this.processor, this.event);
final EventProcessor<S> processor;
final Event<S> event;
@override call() => processor.process(event);
@override get hashCode => ...
@override operator ==(other) => ...
class Event1Carrier<S, V> extends Callable1<void, V> ...
class Event2Carrier<S, V1, V2> extends Callable2<void, V1, V2> ...
class Event3Carrier<S, V1, V2, V3>
extends Callable3<void, V1, V2, V3> ...
Samples of EventCarrier
onPressed: EventCarrier(store, CounterIncremented()),
Getting started #
In the pubspec.yaml add dependencies on the package 'reduced' and on the package of an implementation of the 'reduced' API for a state management framework, e.g. 'reduced_bloc'.
reduced: 0.4.0
ref: v0.4.0
Import package 'reduced' to implement the logic.
import 'package:reduced/reduced.dart';
Import choosen implementation package for the 'reduced' API to use the logic, e.g.
import 'package:reduced_bloc/reduced_bloc.dart';
Usage (Part 1) #
Implementation of the counter demo app logic with the 'reduced' API without further dependencies on state management packages.
// logic.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:reduced/callbacks.dart';
import 'package:reduced/reduced.dart';
class CounterIncremented extends Event<int> {
int call(int state) => state + 1;
class Props {
const Props({required this.counterText, required this.onPressed});
final String counterText;
final VoidCallable onPressed;
class PropsMapper extends Props {
PropsMapper(int state, EventProcessor<int> processor)
: super(
counterText: '$state',
onPressed: EventCarrier(processor, CounterIncremented()),
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.props});
final Props props;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('reduced_bloc example'),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
const Text(
'You have pushed the button this many times:',
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: props.onPressed,
tooltip: 'Increment',
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
Extended Features #
In addition to the basic features, state management frameworks also offer these advanced features:
- Register a state for management.
- Trigger a rebuild on widgets selectively after a state change.
- Set up a new scope for state management.
A neutral API has also been developed for this features in the form of the registerState
function and the ReducedProvider
, ReducedConsumer
and ReducedScope
widget classes. Since the features differ for the concrete frameworks, the signatures of the function and the widget constructors are also different, so these function and classes were not included in the 'reduced' API, but are part of the additional API of the implementations of the 'reduced' API.
1. Register a state for management. #
void registerState(S initialValue);
class ReducedProvider<S> extends Statelesswidget {
required this.initialState,
required this.child,
}) ...
final S initialState,
final Widget child,
2. Trigger a rebuild on widgets selectively after a state change. #
class ReducedConsumer<S, P> extends StatelessWidget {
const ReducedConsumer({
required this.mapper,
required this.builder,
}) ...
final StateToPropsMapper<S, P> mapper;
final WidgetFromPropsBuilder<P> builder;
3. Set up a new scope for state management. #
class ReducedScope extends StatelessWidget {
required this.child,
}) ...
final Widget child,
Usage (Part 2) #
Finished counter demo app using logic.dart and 'reduced_bloc' package, an implementation of the 'reduced' API on Bloc:
// main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:reduced_bloc/reduced_bloc.dart';
import 'logic.dart';
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) => ReducedProvider(
initialState: 0,
child: MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(primarySwatch:,
home: Builder(
builder: (context) => const ReducedConsumer(
Additional information #
Implementations of the 'reduced' API are available for the following state management frameworks:
framework | implementation package for 'reduced' API |
Binder | reduced_binder |
Bloc | reduced_bloc |
FlutterCommand | reduced_fluttercommand |
FlutterTriple | reduced_fluttertriple |
GetIt | reduced_getit |
GetX | reduced_getx |
MobX | reduced_mobx |
Provider | reduced_provider |
Redux | reduced_redux |
Riverpod | reduced_riverpod |
Solidart | reduced_solidart |
StatesRebuilder | reduced_statesrebuilder |