redstone_mapper 0.2.0-beta.1+1 copy "redstone_mapper: ^0.2.0-beta.1+1" to clipboard
redstone_mapper: ^0.2.0-beta.1+1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A mapper plugin for Redstone.dart

v0.1.13 #

  • Fix transformer crash when encoding a Map or List without type parameters.

v0.1.12 #

  • Fix decode of Map values

v0.1.11 #

  • Fix: decode and encode of null value now returns null, instead of throwing an error.
  • Fix: directly encoding or decoding core types (for example: decode(42, int);) does not work when compiled to javascript

v0.1.10 #

  • Fix decoding of inherited properties

v0.1.9 #

  • Updated dependencies.

Note: this version requires Dart 1.7 or above

v0.1.8+1 #

This release includes fixes and improvements for the client-side support (thanks to prujohn for all the feedback):

  • Fix: Compilation errors when using the view or model parameters on fields.
  • Fix: When compiled to javascript, the mapper can't encode or decode objects with nested lists or maps.
  • Added the encodeJson() and decodeJson() top-level functions.
  • Improved error handling.
  • Improved documentation:
    • Fixed some typos (thanks to sethladd)
    • Added information about integration with polymer

v0.1.7 #

  • Widen the version constraint for code_transformers

v0.1.6 #

  • Fix: When compiled to Javascript, redstone_mapper is not decoding DateTime objects properly.
  • Fix: redstone_mapper should not suppress error messages from the mirrors api.

v0.1.5 #

  • Fix: when mapping json objects, redstone_mapper should handle DateTime objects as ISO 8601 strings.

v0.1.4 #

  • Widen the version constraint for analyzer

v0.1.3 #

  • Fix: Properly handle setter methods.

v0.1.2 #

  • The @Encode annotation can now be used with groups. If a group is annotated with @Encode, then redstone_mapper will encode the response of all routes within the group.

v0.1.1 #

  • Fix: transformer is generating broken code for validators.

v0.1.0 #

  • First release.
pub points


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A mapper plugin for Redstone.dart



unknown (license)


analyzer, code_transformers, redstone


Packages that depend on redstone_mapper