record_iterable_utils 0.1.0
record_iterable_utils: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
A Dart package providing extension methods and utility functions for working with iterable records
record_iterable_utils #
A Dart package providing a collection of extension methods and utility functions for working with iterable records.
Features #
: Apply a mapping function to each record in an iterable.whereRecord
: Filter records in an iterable based on a predicate function.
Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
record_iterable_utils: ^{latest}
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Then run dart pub get
to fetch the package.
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:record_iterable_utils/record_iterable_utils.dart';
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Then use the extension methods on your record iterables:
final students = [('Alice', 20), ('Bob', 22), ('Charlie', 19), ('David', 21)];
// Map records to a string representation
final mappedStudents =
students.mapRecord((name, age) => '$name is $age years old');
// Output: (Alice is 20 years old, Bob is 22 years old, Charlie is 19 years old, David is 21 years old)
// Filter records based on age
final filteredStudents = students.whereRecord((name, age) => age >= 21);
// Output: ((Bob, 22), (David, 21))
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