recaptcha_enterprise_flutter 18.6.0 copy "recaptcha_enterprise_flutter: ^18.6.0" to clipboard
recaptcha_enterprise_flutter: ^18.6.0 copied to clipboard

A flutter plugin for reCAPTCHA Enterprise.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise Flutter Module #

Please note that issues filed in this repository are not an official Google support channel and are answered on a best effort basis. For official support, please visit:

If you have an issue with the Flutter plugin please post issues in this repository. If you are having issues with the underlying SDK, please post issues in

For general documentation on reCAPTCHA Enterprise for mobile applications, see Android and iOS.

Sample App #

Copy example/assets/configs/dev.json.example to example/assets/configs/dev.json and add your sitekeys to the file.

Change ios bundle id in example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj from google.FlutterTestApp in three places to your own bundle id.

Change the Android bundle id in example/android/app/build.gradle from google.FlutterTestApp to your own.

Start an emulator, e.g. open -a Simulator or ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Pixel_4_API_32

Run app: #

cd example && flutter run

Run unit tests: #

flutter test

Running Integration Tests #

cd example && flutter test integration_test/app_test.dart