read_pdf_text 0.2.1 copy "read_pdf_text: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
read_pdf_text: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

This is a plugin that parses string out of pdf documents. It uses apache PDFbox and PDFKit parse the pdf document. There is only three functions so it is simple to use.

0.0.1 #

First version

0.0.2 #

Second version fixed platforms

0.0.3 #

Wrote README file Added license

0.0.4 #

Updated README

0.0.5 #

Updated README Commented code

0.0.6 #

Updated example (only opens pdf files now) Updated README

0.0.7 #

Updated README

0.0.8 #

Removed unused variables and comments. Added functionality for paginating the text from pdf document. Added functionality to fetch the length of the pdf document in pages. Updated example to represent these changes. Updated README and description

0.1.0 #

Add iOS functionality:

  • getPDFtext()
  • getPDFtextPaginated()
  • getPDFlength() Documentation for those methods. Updated of this package and of the example. Updated file_picker plugin in the example. Some code changes to reflect new version of file_picker.

0.1.1 #

Updated dart documentation.

0.2.0 #

Breaking change! Updated package to support null-safety. Updated example to null-safety. Updated documentation.

0.2.1 #

Fix bug where the underlying PDFbox plugin would break if downloading multiple PDF-files with the same name and then attempting to open one of them. Now throws a PlatformException. Additionally added PlatformExceptions if something else breaks within the Android code. This should allow users to catch the exception and inform the user that something went wrong.

pub points


unverified uploader

This is a plugin that parses string out of pdf documents. It uses apache PDFbox and PDFKit parse the pdf document. There is only three functions so it is simple to use.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference






Packages that depend on read_pdf_text