reactter 7.3.0-pre.1
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A light, powerful and quick Reactive State Management, Dependency Injection and Event Handler.
Reactter examples #
This page contains several examples with different feature of Reactter.
And you can also view the examples online using zapp.
Quickstart #
Run next commands:
flutter create .
flutter run
for Github search example, add http permission:
Counter #
Increase and decrease the counter.
Learn how to use reactive state using signal.
Implements: ReactterWatcher
, Signal
Calculator #
Performs simple arithmetic operations on numbers
Learn how to provide and consume a dependency
Implements: BuildContext.use
, ReactterConsumer
, ReactterProvider
, ReactterSelector
, Signal
Shopping cart #
Add, remove product to cart and checkout.
Learn how to access to other dependency and keep its state.
Implements: ReactterComponent
, ReactterConsumer
, ReactterProvider
, ReactterProviders
, ReactterSelector
, UseDependencycy
, UseState
Tree widget #
Add, remove and hide child widget with counter.
Learn how to add or remove dependency dynamic and keep its state.
Implements: BuilContext.use
, BuilContext.watchId
, Reactter.lazyState
, ReactterComponent
, ReactterProvider
, UseEffect
, UseState
Github search #
Search user or repository and show info about it.
Learn how to manage state in async way.
Implements: Memo
, ReactterConsumer
, ReactterProvider
, UseAsyncState
To-Do List #
Add and remove to-do, mark and unmark to-do as done and filter to-do list.
Learn how to use the reducer hook like Redux.
Implements: Reactter.lazyState
, ReactterActionCallable
, ReactterCompontent
, ReactterConsumer
, ReactterProvider
, ReactterSelector
, UseCompute
, UseReducer
Animate widget #
Change size, shape and color using animations.
Learn how to create a custom hook.
Implements: Reactter.lazyState
, ReactterConsumer
, ReactterHook
, ReactterProvider
, ReactterSelector
, UseCompute
, UseEffect
, UseState