reactter 1.0.1 copy "reactter: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
reactter: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


A light state management with React syntax. Reduce boilerplate code and improve code readability.

Reactter by #

[1.0.1] - #

Changed #

  • Fix some documentation.
  • Removed Utils folder from library.

Added #

  • Improve performance with primitive loops in functions.

[1.0.0] - #

Changed #

  • Fix some documentation.
  • Package description (was too short).
  • Remove unused imports in library.

Added #

  • Documentation
  • 130 points in

[1.0.0-dev] - #

Changed #

  • No need package dependencies: We decided to remove all dependencies and create a new state management from scratch.

  • Controller now is Context: ReactterController has been replaced by ReactterContext, which are the classes that going to manage our states.

      class AppContext extends ReactterContext {}

Added #

  • Two ways to manage state: You can control the listeners from context like this:

      class AppContext extends ReactterContext {
          /* You can create the state here and add it to dependencies in 
          constructor with listenHooks() */
          final username = UseState<String>("");
          /* But we recommend to give the context to the state this way:
          With this, you no longer need to put it in listenHooks()
         which is cleaner */
          late final firstName = UseState<String>("Leo", context: this);
          late final lastName = UseState<String>("León", context: this);
  • Added UseProvider widget: UseProvider provide all ReactterContext to his children.

        contexts: [
            () => AppContext(),
            init: true,
        builder: (context, _) {
          // Get all the states listeners of context.
          final appContext = context.of<AppContext>();
          // Get the listener of an specific state to rebuild.
          final appContext = context.of<AppContext>((ctx) => [ctx.userName]);
          // Read all the states, but no rebuild when change.
          final appContextStatic = context.ofStatic<AppContext>();
          return Text(appContext.username.value);
  • Remove UseEffect widget: This widget has been replaced by a class called UseEffect. It has exactly the same functionality as the React Hook, when a dependency changes, executes the callback parameter.

        userName.value = firstName + lastName;
      }, [firstName, lastName]);

    Note: UseEffect has to be called inside context constructor.

  • Added custom Hooks: You can create your own hooks with mixin inherit from ReactterHook.

     mixin UseCart on ReactterHook {
         late final cart = UseState<Cart?>(null, context: this);
         addProductToCart(Product product) {
             final oldProducts = cart.value.products;
             cart.value = cart.value?
                 .copyWith(products: [...oldProducts, product]);
  • Added UseAsyncState class: If you need an async state, you can use this:

    class AppContext extends ReactterContext {
         late final userName =
             UseAsyncState<String>("Init state", fillUsername, context: this);
         Future<String> fillUsername() async {
             final userFromApi = await getUserName();
             return userFromApi;
  • Added UseAsyncState.when function: Added this function to controll the async flow from UseAsyncState:

         // Base state
         standby: (value) => Text("Standby: " + value),
         // When is executing the async code
         loading: () => const CircularProgressIndicator(),
         // When the async code has finished
         done: (value) => Text(value),
         // When it throw an error
         error: (error) => const Text(
             "Unhandled exception",
             style: TextStyle(color:,
  • Added lifecycle methods to ReactterContext:

     awake() {
         // Executes when the instance starts building.
     willMount() {
         // Before the dependency widget will mount in the tree.
     didMount() {
         // After the dependency widget did mount in the tree.
     willUnmount() {
         // When the widget removes from the tree.

[0.0.1-dev.4] - #

Added #

  • useEffect
  • useState
  • Reactter View
  • Reactter State
  • Reactter Controller
  • Routing Controller
  • Helpers
  • Exceptions
  • Types

Changed #

  • First release
pub points



A light state management with React syntax. Reduce boilerplate code and improve code readability.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on reactter