reactive_forms 5.0.2 copy "reactive_forms: ^5.0.2" to clipboard
reactive_forms: ^5.0.2 copied to clipboard


This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular Reactive Forms.

5.0.2 #

-Fix add custom valueAccessor to text field.

5.0.1 #

  • Fix Validators.min and Validators.max with non comparable controls.

5.0.0 #

Breaking changes #

  • Rename touch() and untouch() by markAsTouched() and markAsUntouched()
  • Rename enable() and disable() by markAsEnabled() and markAsDisabled()
  • Add AbstractControl.markAllAsTouched to mark all controls of a FromGroup or a FormArray as touched. AbstractControl.markAsTouched doesn't marks children as touched anymore.
  • Validators.compose now act as and AND and returns a ValidatorFunction instead of a List of ValidatorFunction
  • InputParsers have been replaced by ControlValueAccessor.

Features #

  • Add new control status pristine and dirty.
  • FormGroup.control(String name) and FormArray.control(String name) now let specify the name argument as a dot-delimited string that represents the path to the nested control as nested1.nested2.nested.3.etc.
  • Add FormBuilder.array() and FormBuilder.control() for creating arrays and controls.
  • ReactiveValueListenableBuilder brings now the possibility to provide directly the control instead of just the control name.
  • Add Validators.composeOR to combines multiples validators in one and evaluates as an OR, if at least one validator evaluates to VALID then the control is valid.
  • Add ControlValueAccessor to convert value data types from UI to model and vice versa.
  • Add FormGroup.focus(String name) to set focus to a child control.

Widgets #

  • Add ReactiveFormBuilder useful for defining a FormGroup and a ReactiveForm at the same time in a stateless widget.

Validators #

  • Add validators:
    • Validators.requiredTrue
    • Validators.equals
    • Validators.min
    • Validators.max
    • Validators.composeOR

Fixes #

  • ReactiveRadioListTile widget is now available.

4.0.2 #

  • Fix with initial value in null.

Features #

  • Add FormBuilder.state to create a ControlState.

4.0.1 #

  • Fix async update in InheritedStreamer widget that raised exception when declare a form group in a stateless widget.

4.0.0 #

Features #

  • FormControl.reset() can now set the disabled status of the control as an optional argument.
  • Implements FormGroup.resetState() and FormArray.resetState() to reset children controls with initial value and disabled status.

Breaking Changes #

  • FormControl constructor receives value instead of defaultValue. To reset a control to a initial value you must call FormControl.reset() and supply initial value.

3.0.1 #

  • Fix Luhn algorithm in credit card validator.

3.0.0 #

  • Fixes:

    • FormGroup.reset() marks control as untouched and hide UI validation errors.
    • FormGroup.reset() sets empty string to input text fields if control value is null.
  • Features:

    • InputParser added to ReactiveTextField. Now you can declare a FormControl with int or double data type and bind it to an input text field.

2.0.8 #

  • Fixed card number length in Validators.creditCard

2.0.7 #

  • Minor changes and code documentation.
  • New Validator
    • Validators.creditCard that validates a credit card number using the Luhn algorithm.

2.0.6 #

  • Optimized FormGroup and FormArray value gets.
  • FormBuilder docs added to

2.0.5 #

  • fixed ReactiveDropdownField.onChanged not triggered when control value didn't changes

2.0.4 #

  • Minor fixes in ReactiveDropdownField.

2.0.3 #

  • Minor fixes.

2.0.2 #

  • Added basic implementation of FormBuilder to build FormGroup easily.
  • Added onChanged callback to ReactiveDropdownField.

2.0.1 #

  • Now ReactiveDropdownField not set value of control to null when no matching item founded.

2.0.0 #

  • Added onWillPop to ReactiveForm widget.
  • Enable/disable controls, groups and arrays.
  • Now you can access the parent group or array with the property FormControl.parent.

Fixes #

  • Removed restriction of empty item's array in ReactiveDropdown.
  • Assert error in ReactiveDropdown when control value not match any item values.
  • Slider assert error when control bounded to slider initialize in null value.

Breaking Changes #

  • Use of Streams to notify events.
  • Renamed event names.

See Migration Guide to see how to migrate from version 1.x to 2.x.

1.1.0 #

  • Async validators now have a debounce timer in milliseconds that can be passed as argument to FormControl. This is useful for example to reduce requests to an API.
  • Now you can optionally pass a FormControl directly to reactive widgets instead of the control's name. You must provide a formControlName or a formControl but not both at the same time.
  • Set value an array value to FormArray insert missing items

1.0.10 #

  • Composing validators with Validators.compose
  • Added optionally type to ReactiveFormArray widget

1.0.9 #

  • Added utilities an extensions to AbstractControl

    • AbstractControl.isNull
    • AbstractControl.isNullOrEmpty for controls of type String
  • Minor fixes

1.0.8 #

Fixes #

  • FormArray and FormGroup now notify value changes when a control without validators changes its value.

1.0.7 #

  • FormGroup.touch mask all controls as touched.

  • Renamed FormGroup.formControl to FormGroup.control and FormArray.formControl to FormArray.control to get controls by name.

  • ReactiveValueListenableBuilder.builder now pass the control as parameter instead of the value so you can get access to the control within the builder function.

  • Added FormGroup.controls and FormArray.controls to iterate over child controls.

  • Bonus widgets:

    • ReactiveDatePicker
    • ReactiveTimePicker

1.0.6 #

  • Fixed ReactiveCheckbox and ReactiveCheckboxListTile exception when binding with FormControl with null value.
  • Increased code tests coverage to 92% (a lot of tests).
  • FormArray.removeAt method added to remove a control given the index position.

1.0.5 #

  • Added ReactiveTextField.onSubmitted for an example of how to handle moving to the next/previous field when using and TextInputAction.previous for textInputAction.
  • Included property ReactiveSwitchListTile.inactiveThumbImage.
  • Included properties autofocus to ReactiveCheckbox, ReactiveRadio and ReactiveSwitch.
  • Included callbacks ReactiveSlider.onChangeEnd and ReactiveSlider.onChangeStart.

1.0.4 #

Fixes: #

  • FormArray now correctly notify status depending of children status.

1.0.3 #

New Validators #

  • Async Validators (only FormControl for now...)
  • Controls have now three different states: VALID, INVALID, PENDING (this last one was specially included due to async validators, the control is PENDING until validator completes)
  • Added documentations about Validator.pattern
  • Added Async Validator's example in example application /example/main.dart.

New Models #

  • FormArray (aggregates the values of each child FormControl into an array)

New Reactive Widgets: #

  • ReactiveFormArray
  • ReactiveCheckboxListTile
  • ReactiveSwitchListTile
  • ReactiveRadioListTile
  • ReactiveStatusListenableBuilder

1.0.2 #

  • Added class ValidationMessage for common validation messages key as: required, email, etc.
  • Added Documentation of ValidationMessage.
  • Minor typo fix in documentation text.

1.0.1 #

  • Added an example application

1.0.0 #

Predefined validators #

  • Validators.required
  • Validators.number
  • Validators.minLength
  • Validators.maxLength
  • Validators.pattern

Supported Reactive Form Fields Widgets #

  • ReactiveTextField
  • ReactiveDropdownField
  • ReactiveSwitch
  • ReactiveCheckbox
  • ReactiveRadio
  • ReactiveSlider

Other Reactive Forms Widgets #

  • ReactiveForm
  • ReactiveFormConsumer
  • ReactiveValueListenableBuilder
pub points


unverified uploader

This is a model-driven approach to handling form inputs and validations, heavily inspired in Angular Reactive Forms.

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