rdflib 0.2.11 copy "rdflib: ^0.2.11" to clipboard
rdflib: ^0.2.11 copied to clipboard

A pure Dart package for working with RDF (resource description framework).

0.2.11 #

  • Fix multi-line parse issue

0.2.10 #

  • Support navigation in Graph
    • g.value() to find out any triple that has a single rdf:value
    • g.subjects() to extract matching subjects in the graph
    • g.predicates()to extract matching predicates in the graph
    • g.objects() to extract matching objects in the graph
  • Fix exception when triples have the Blank Node (in the format of _:)
  • parseTurtle() gives more information of error, such as pointing out which line has the error
  • Read remote turtle files (e.g. from web link) parseTurtleFromWeb(webLink)

0.2.9 #

  • Identify language tags properly

0.2.8 #

  • Static analysis
    • revert changes of static analysis

0.2.7 #

  • Examples
    • add a example to package homepage
  • Static analysis
    • fix warnings, lints, or formatting issues

0.2.6 #

  • pubspec.yaml
    • update version of package [petitparser]
  • graph.dart
    • new [_preprocessTurtleContent] method to to handle multiline string literals
    • update [parseTurtle] to work when the content with multiline comments
  • Examples
    • add a example to parse files with multiline field

0.2.5 #

  • pubspec.yaml
    • update version of package [http]

0.2.4 #

  • graph.dart
    • new [addPropertyToGroups] method to add customized property to graph
    • update [addObjectProperty] to work when the object or property does not exist
  • namespace.dart
    • add new URIRef object [objectProperty] and [Class]

0.2.3 #

  • graph.dart
    • add [deprecated] tags to some methods
    • update to new methods to utilize parser effectively
    • re-write comments based on dart style guide
  • Parser
    • fix bugs in trimming
    • update tests to include real-world examples
  • Examples
    • update examples to utilize the new parser funtion in the package. Examples are included in the example folder, check out more examples here.

0.2.2 #

  • graph.dart
    • fix a bug of parsing and serializing @base and :

0.2.1 #

  • graph.dart:
    • remove comments before parsing
    • add function to add a triple to groups by passing in subject, predicate and object as strings
    • update prefixes context for 'a' (rdf:type)
    • fix a bug of causing duplicated triples added to the graph

0.2.0 #

  • grammar_parser.dart: customize evaluators for different parsed result
    • Support every rule specified in the documentation)
    • Will support parsing and ignoring comment # in the future
  • graph.dart: add a new parsing function to utilize new grammar parser
    • Support serializing full form of triples to shorter and simpler forms
    • Will support parsing with file path in the future

0.1.10 #

  • Use dart petitparser package to rewrite a few of the parsing functions of turtle file base on the rules
  • naive_parser.dart: support parsing for HEX, UCHAR, IRIREF, PN_CHARS_BASE
    • Include test cases for the above rules in test/naive_parser_test.dart
  • grammar_parser.dart: support modular grammar definitions for the above rules

0.1.9 #

  • term.dart: update isValidUri to static method
  • graph.dart: add support for reading different forms in subject/predicate/object to full URIRef form
    • Case 1: <valid_uri> => URIRef(valid_uri)
    • Case 2: <invalid_uri> => (there should be a default base to interpret this invalid uri) URIRef(base_uri+invalid_uri)
    • Case 3: a:b => URIRef(context[a]+b)
    • Case 4: :a => (there should be a shorthand prefix : in namespace prefix section) URIRef(shorthand_uri+a)

0.1.8 #

  • graph.dart: add support for parsing and writing @base and @prefix : in namespace prefixes section
  • constants.dart: create constants in this file to be imported to other files if necessary

0.1.7 #

  • graph.dart: add function in Graph to parse a whole text string in additional to a file.
  • Add a corresponding example for parsing full text string.

0.1.6 #

  • graph.dart: fix issue of encryption/decryption by using a different key
    • sha256 is for quick verification of hashed passphrase
    • sha512 is for encryption/decryption

0.1.5 #

  • graph.dart: adding optional decryption for the encrypted ttl file
    • Note the encrypted file must contain a hashed key triple (for quick verification of password) and the encrypted data triple
    • sha256 is used for hashing and verifying the password
    • AES is the only supported decryption now (depends on encrypt)

0.1.4 #

  • graph.dart: adding optional encryption when serializing graph data to ttl file.
    • AES is the default encryption
    • sha256 is used for generating hashed passphrase
    • new encrypted file will still be a valid ttl file with original contents encrypted in one triple

0.1.3 #

Adding acknowledgement for RDFLib

Adding examples for reading and writing a full ttl file, check it out in the example/ folder!

  • graph.dart:
    • fixing bugs in reading lines ending with ., , and ;
    • [partly] fixing prefix lines starting with ':' and '@base'
    • fixing bugs in reading single numeric values (with no specified datatypes)

0.1.2 #

Updating description and GitHub repository.

0.1.1 #

Renaming rdfgraph to rdflib. (GitHub repository stays the same)

0.1.0 #

  • graph.dart: supporting reading local turtle file into a Graph instance in memory
  • updating example/rdfgraph_example3.dart to demonstrate parsing local ttl file

0.0.11 #

  • graph.dart: adding function addObjectProperty() to link two named triple individuals together
  • updating example/rdfgraph_example2.dart to demonstrate linking triples

0.0.10 #

  • term.dart: Literal default constructor can parse integer, float/double, and date time strings with corresponding XSD types
  • graph.dart: adding named individual
  • Adding derived SOLID Health Ontology Example examples for demonstration
  • Updating README.md to include new examples

0.0.9 #

Updating pub.dev page sidebar homepage link to new ANUSII GitHub repository.

0.0.8 #

  • namespace.dart: adding default namespaces (e.g., RDF, RDFS, OWL, and XSD ) with reserved vocabulary of OWL 2 including special treatment, refer to this link for more details
  • triple.dart: converting single string value in object to a Literal instance with datatype xsd:string
  • term.dart:
    • refactoring constructor to accept full URI
    • updating base address later if need be
    • adding Literal class with data type and language options for more specific object description
  • graph.dart:
    • updating contexts when adding triples with different types
    • serializing prefixes based on contexts

0.0.7 #

Improve serialize() by shortening full URIRef instance to the bound namespace name.

0.0.6 #

Update Graph class:

  • add bind() method to bind string to a namespace for code readability
  • add serialize() method to export the graph to turtle format file.

Update documentation based on dart guide here

0.0.5 #

Move example code to the top example/ folder.

0.0.4 #

Add methods to find subjects and objects based on the criteria in the graph.

Update package description with what it can do currently.

Add example file in example/ folder.

Tidy up unused imports.

0.0.3 #

Add examples, refer to README.

  • Namespace
    • add RDF and FOAF (incomplete lists)
  • URIRef
    • add comments
    • update methods
  • Triple
    • update method

0.0.2 #

Add the following simple naive classes:

  • Graph
  • Namespace
  • URIRef
  • Triple

Functionalities in creating the graph:

  • add triple to the graph
    • this will not add duplicates because a set structure is used to store the triples

0.0.1 #

Take baby steps in creating RDFGraph package.



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A pure Dart package for working with RDF (resource description framework).

Repository (GitHub)
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GPL-3.0 (license)


http, logging, petitparser, universal_io, uuid


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