raygun4flutter 0.1.0 copy "raygun4flutter: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
raygun4flutter: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter crash reporting provider for Raygun.

raygun4flutter #

The world's best Flutter Crash Reporting and Real User Monitoring solution.

This plugin uses the Android and iOS plugins internally to report crashes and custom error messages to Raygun.

Requirements #

  • Android API 16
  • iOS 10.0
  • Web and desktop not supported.

Installation #

Check the "Installing" tab in pub.dev for more info.

Usage #

For a working sample, check the Flutter project in example.

Capturing errors #

To be able to capture errors inside Flutter, you need to add the following changes in your main method:

Provide a custom FlutterError.onError that redirects Flutter errors to Raygun.

Note: This only works when the app is running in "Release" mode.

  FlutterError.onError = (details) {
    // Default error handling

    // Raygun error handling

Catch errors outside of the Flutter framework by calling to runApp from a runZonedGuarded and redirecting captured errors to Raygun. For example, errors happening in asynchronous code.

Note: This works both in "Release" and "Debug" modes.

  // To catch any 'Dart' errors 'outside' of the Flutter framework.
  runZonedGuarded<Future<void>>(() async {
  }, (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
    Raygun.sendException(error, stackTrace);

Initialisation #

Call Raygun.init(API_KEY) to initialise RaygunClient on app start, for example, from your initState method.

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {

  void initState() {


Sending errors manually #

Call Raygun.sendException(error, stacktrace) to send errors to Raygun.

For example:

try {
  // code that crashes
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
  Raygun.sendException(error, stacktrace);

Sending custom errors manually #

Call Raygun.sendCustom(className, message, stacktrace) to send custom errors to Raygun.

For example:

  'test error message',

Sending breadcrumbs #

Call Raygun.breadcrumb(message) to send breadcrumbs to Raygun.

Raygun.breadcrumb('test breadcrumb');

Set User Id #

Call Raygun.setUserId(id) to set the User Id on Raygun.


Call with id null to clear it.