random_unicode 0.2.4 random_unicode: ^0.2.4 copied to clipboard
A library to generate random Unicode strings within the given range(s).
// Copyright (c) 2022, Alexander Iurovetski
// All rights reserved under MIT license (see LICENSE file)
import 'package:random_unicode/random_unicode.dart';
/// Entry point
void main(List<String> args) {
// Getting minimum and maximum string length
// from the command-line arguments
final argCount = args.length;
final minStrLen = (argCount <= 0 ? 100 : int.parse(args[0]));
final maxStrLen = (argCount <= 1 ? minStrLen : int.parse(args[1]));
// Creating the string generator
final u = RandomUnicode()
..addIncluded(min: 0x20, max: 0x7F)
..addIncluded(min: 0x100, max: 0x200)
..addIncluded(min: 0x1000, max: 0x2000)
..addExcluded(list: r'BEZbez'.codeUnits);
// Generating the string
final str = u.string(minStrLen, maxStrLen);
// Showing the result
print('Len: $minStrLen <= ${str.length} <= $maxStrLen\n$str');