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This Flutter package provides a comprehensive collection of the Quran in both English and Arabic translations.

quran_sharif Package #

Pub Version Flutter Platform

A Flutter package that provides utility functions to retrieve information from the Quran, such as surahs, ayahs, and other related data.


Features #

  • Complete text of the Quran in English and Arabic
  • Support for switching between different translations
  • Beautifully formatted display with adjustable font sizes
  • Retrieve all surahs from the Quran.
  • Get a specific surah by ID.
  • Retrieve a list of surah names.
  • Filter surahs by revelation type.
  • Fetch ayahs by Juz ID.

Installation #

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file:

  quran_sharif: <latest_version>

Then run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

Usage #

Import the package into your Dart file:

import 'package:quran_sharif/quran.dart';

Use the provided methods to access the Quran data:

// Retrieve all surahs
List<Surahs> allSurahs = Quran.getAllSurah();

// Get surah by ID
Surahs? surah = Quran.getSurahById(id: 1);

// Get a list of surah names
List<String> surahNames = Quran.getSurahName();

// Filter surahs by revelation type
List<Surahs> makkiSurahs = Quran.getSurahByrevelationType(isMakki: true);

// Get ayahs by Juz ID
List<Ayahs> juzAyahs = Quran.getJuz(id: 1);

For more details on each method and its usage, refer to the API documentation.

Examples #

You can find more usage examples in the example folder of this repository.

API Documentation #

The API documentation for this package can be found here.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Author #

This package is authored and maintained by zaid.digital.

Get in touch #

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out:



verified publisherzaid.digital

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This Flutter package provides a comprehensive collection of the Quran in both English and Arabic translations.



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