quran 1.1.4 copy "quran: ^1.1.4" to clipboard
quran: ^1.1.4 copied to clipboard

Quran text (Arabic), audio URLs, and details of pages, juz, surah, ayah, place of revelation etc.

Quran text (Arabic), audio URLs, and details of pages, juz, surah, ayah, place of revelation etc.

Getting Started #

To use this plugin, add quran as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


  • totalPagesCount - The most standard and common copy of Arabic only Quran total pages count
  • totalMakkiSurahs - The constant total of makki surahs
  • totalMadaniSurahs - The constant total of madani surahs
  • totalJuzCount - The constant total juz count
  • totalSurahCount - The constant total surah count
  • totalVerseCount - The constant total verse count
  • basmala - The constant 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ'


  • getJuzNumber(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] & [verseNumber] and returns Juz number

  • getSurahAndVersesFromJuz(int juzNumber) - Takes [juzNumber] and returns a map containing Surah and Verse numbers

  • getSurahName(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns the Surah name

  • getSurahNameEnglish(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] returns the Surah name in English

  • getSurahNameArabic(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] returns the Surah name in Arabic

  • getPlaceOfRevelation(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns the Place of Revelation (Makkah / Madinah) of that Surah

  • getVerseCount(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns the count of total Verses in that Surah

  • getVerse(int surahNumber, int verseNumber, {bool verseEndSymbol}) - Takes [surahNumber], [verseNumber] & [verseEndSymbol] (optional) and returns the Verse in Arabic

  • getVerseEndSymbol(int verseNumber) - Takes [verseNumber] and returns '۝' symbol with verse number

  • getJuzURL(int juzNumber) - Takes [juzNumber] and returns Juz URL (from Quran.com)

  • getSurahURL(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns Surah URL (from Quran.com)

  • getVerseURL(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] & [verseNumber] and returns Verse URL (from Quran.com)

  • getPageData(int pageNumber) - Takes [pageNumber] and returns a list containing Surahs and the starting and ending Verse numbers in that page

  • getSurahCountByPage(int pageNumber) - Takes [pageNumber] and returns total surahs count in that page

  • getVerseCountByPage(int pageNumber) - Takes [pageNumber] and returns total verses count in that page

  • getSurahPages(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns the list of page numbers of that surah

  • getPageNumber(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes [surahNumber], [verseNumber] and returns the page number of the Quran

  • getVersesTextByPage(int pageNumber, {bool verseEndSymbol, SurahSeperator surahSeperator, customSurahSeperator}) - Takes [pageNumber], [verseEndSymbol], [surahSeperator] & [customSurahSeperator] and returns the list of verses in that page

  • getAudioURLBySurah(int surahNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] and returns audio URL of that surah

  • getAudioURLByVerse(int surahNumber, int verseNumber) - Takes [surahNumber] & [verseNumber] and returns audio URL of that verse

  • getAudioURLByVerseNumber(int surahNumber) - Takes [verseNumber] and returns audio URL of that verse

Example #


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:quran/quran.dart' as quran;

void main() {
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text("Quran Demo"),
      body: SafeArea(
        child: Padding(
          padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
          child: Column(
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
            children: [
              Text("Juz Number: \n" + quran.getJuzNumber(18, 1).toString()),
              Text("\nJuz URL: \n" + quran.getJuzURL(15)),
              Text("\nSurah and Verses in Juz 15: \n" + quran.getSurahAndVersesFromJuz(15).toString()),
              Text("\nSurah Name: \n" + quran.getSurahName(18)),
              Text("\nSurah Name (English): \n" + quran.getSurahNameEnglish(18)),
              Text("\nSurah URL: \n" + quran.getSurahURL(18)),
              Text("\nTotal Verses: \n" + quran.getVerseCount(18).toString()),
              Text("\nPlace of Revelation: \n" + quran.getPlaceOfRevelation(18)),
              Text("\nBasmala: \n" + quran.getBasmala()),
              Text("\nVerse 1: \n" + quran.getVerse(18, 1))


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:quran/quran.dart' as quran;

void main() {
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text(quran.getSurahName(18)),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Padding(
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
            child: ListView.builder(
              itemCount: quran.getVerseCount(18),
              itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                return ListTile(
                  title: Text(
                    quran.getVerse(18, index + 1, verseEndSymbol: true),
                    textAlign: TextAlign.right,
pub points


verified publisheraqeelshamz.com

Quran text (Arabic), audio URLs, and details of pages, juz, surah, ayah, place of revelation etc.

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flutter, flutter_lints


Packages that depend on quran