quickblox_sdk 0.16.5-rc.1 quickblox_sdk: ^0.16.5-rc.1 copied to clipboard
Quickblox includes everything that brings messaging right into your application - chat, video calling, users, push notifications, etc.
0.1.0-alpha #
- Created first version of QuickBlox Flutter SDK
0.2.0-alpha #
- Added WebRTC video calls
- Bug fixing
- Improved implementation for Android
0.2.1-alpha #
- Improved the methods for subscribe, unsubscribe methods in chat
- Fixed mapping for dialogs in chat
0.2.2-alpha #
- Bug fixing
0.2.3-alpha #
- Fixed "sendMessage" method
- Fixed QBMessage model
0.2.4-alpha #
- Fixed "getUsers" method
- Fixed logic for WebRTC
0.2.5-alpha #
- added "getUsersByTag" method
- Fixed logic for filtering and sorting
- refactored WebRTC logic
0.2.6-alpha #
- Added "release video views" method
- Fixed logic for init and release WebRTC service
- Fixed logic for create subscription
- Refactored WebRTC logic
- Fixed logic for subscribe\unsubscribe messages in Chat
0.2.7-alpha #
- Fixed logic for "SWITCH_AUDIO_OUTPUT" method
- Fixed event names
- Refactored "switch audio output" code
0.2.8-alpha #
- Fixed logic for "SWITCH_AUDIO_OUTPUT" method
- Refactored iOS side
- Fixed logic for Audio Sessions in iOS side
0.2.9-alpha #
- Updated version of Android SDK to 3.9.5
- Fixed logic for "Peer Connections Events"
0.2.10-alpha #
- Updated version of Android SDK to 3.9.6
- Fixed logic for subscriptions
- refactored code
0.2.11-alpha #
- Fixed logic for events
0.3.0-alpha #
- Fixed logic for delete dialog
- Fixed logic for leave dialog
- Fixed logic for event subscription
- Refactored code
- fixed filter mapper
- added logic for Development\Production endpoints
0.3.1-alpha #
- Fixed logic for "sort" and "filter" in custom objects module
0.3.2-alpha #
- added "noUserAction" logic for Android
- fixed "hangUp" logic for Android
- fixed "AudioManager" logic for Android
- added string resource and image mipmap for Android "WebRTCCallService"
0.3.3-alpha #
- added QBAudioManager for correct work with audio mode in video call.
0.3.4-alpha #
- Fixed logic for Sorting in Users module
0.3.5-alpha #
- Fixed logic for listeners in Android side
0.3.6-alpha #
- IOS: QBFileModule upload file logic fixed
- IOS: QBFileModule progress upload file logic fixed
- IOS: QuickBloxSDK was updated to 2.17.8
- IOS: support iOS version was upgraded to 12 or higher* Android: fixed upload file logic
- Android: fixed progress upload file logic
- Android: update SDK to 3.9.8
- Dart: refactored logic in content module
0.3.7-alpha #
- IOS: fixed sending messages to group/public dialogs
0.3.8-alpha #
- Android: fixed upload file logic
0.3.9-alpha #
- Android: fixed logic for join chats after reconnection
0.3.10-alpha #
- added QBRTCConfig module
- refactored code
- Android: updated SDK version to 3.9.9
- Android: fixed upload files logic
- IOS updated SDK version to 2.17.9
- IOS increased minimum deployment target to 12.0
0.3.11-beta #
- Android: added logic for check active session
- Android: fixed logic for get cacheDir in File Module
0.4.0-beta #
- Added conference functionality
- Added setSession\getSession in Auth module
0.4.1-beta #
- Hotfix for WebRTC audioManager logic in Android side
- refactored Conference module, File module
0.4.2-beta #
- Hotfix for Chat module logic in Android side
0.4.3-beta #
- Hotfix for IOS side
- Added photo parameter in update/create dialog logic
0.5.0-beta #
- Migrated to null safety
- refactored code
- Android: added logic for disable/enable video/audio track for specific user
- Android: fixed conference module
- IOS: fixes
- IOS: fixed error messages
0.5.1-beta #
- fixed message mapper
- refactored code
- Android: updated gradle version
0.5.2-beta #
- fixed message mapper for Android side
0.6.0-beta #
- Flutter: fixed QBMessageMapper
- Flutter: fixed QBMessage model
- Flutter: fixed sendMessage, sendSystemMessage methods
- Android: fixed logic for ChatMapper
- Android: fixed sendMessage method
0.6.1-beta #
- Android: updated version SDK to 3.9.11
- Android: fixed logic for chat listeners in Chat module
- Android: fixed logic for send message in Chat module
- Flutter: refactored code
0.6.2-beta #
- Android: updated gradle version to 5.4.1
- Android: fixed call module
- Android: fixed file module
- Flutter: fixed message mapper
- Flutter: migrated to embedding v2
0.6.3-beta #
- Android: fixed logic for audio manager
- Android: fixed logic for remove user
- IOS: fixed logic for parse attachment
- IOS: fixed dialog creation flow
0.6.4-beta #
- Android: refactored code
- IOS: fixed camera logic
0.6.5-beta #
- Android: refactored code
- Android: removed context from PushModule
- Android: updated SDK version to 3.9.14
- Android: removed expiration date from setSession parameters
- IOS: removed expiration date from setSession parameters
0.6.6-beta #
- Flutter: added set/get ice-servers
- Android: updated dependencies
- Android: updated Quickblox SDK to version 3.9.15
- Android: fixed chat module
- IOS: refactored code
- IOS: updated SDK version
0.6.7-beta #
- Flutter: added logging in settings module
- Flutter: added custom data for create/update dialog in chat module
- Flutter: added get unread messages count in chat module
- Android: updated android API to 31
- Android: added support Android 12
- Android: fixes
- IOS: updated QuickBlox version to 2.17.11
- IOS: updated Quickblox-WebRTC version to 2.7.6
- IOS: fixes
0.7.0-beta #
- Flutter: added auth by email, firebase, facebook
- Flutter: added isJoinDialog method
- Android: fixed join dialog flow
- Android: fixed chat module
- Android: fixed logging
- Android: fixed auth module
- IOS: fixed logic for send event
- IOS: fixed join dialog flow
- IOS: fixed chat module
0.7.1 #
- Android: updated version SDK to 3.10.1
0.7.2 #
- Flutter: fixed logic for custom objects functionality
- Android: fixed logic for nullable fields in custom objects
- IOS: fixed logic for get custom objects
0.8.0 #
- Flutter: changed logic for join dialog
- Android: changed logic for join dialog
Migration guide from 0.7.2 to 0.8.0 #
Chat module:
method QB.chat.joinDialog(String dialogId)
version 0.7.2 | version 0.8.0 |
Future<void> joinDialog(String dialogId) - returns type is void |
Future<QBDialog?> joinDialog(String dialogId) - returns type is QBDialog |
0.9.0 #
- Flutter: added functional for init SDK with Application Id
- Flutter: added functional for start session with token
0.10.0 #
- Flutter: added reconnection
- Android: added reconnection
- Android: updated Android QuickBlox version to 4.0.0
- IOS: added reconnection
- IOS: updated library
- IOS: fixed logic for local video view
0.10.1 #
- IOS: hotfix for auth module
0.11.0 #
- Flutter: changed logic for update custom objects
- Android: hotfix for custom objects
- IOS: hotfix for custom objects
Migration guide from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0 #
CustomObjects module:
method QB.data.update(String className)
version 0.10.1 | version 0.11.0 |
Future<QBCustomObject?> QB.data.update(String className) - returns type is QBCustomObject? |
Future<List<QBCustomObject?>> update(String className) - returns type is List<QBCustomObject?> |
0.12.0 #
- Added deleteUser
- Added getUsersByFullName
- Added updateNotificationDialog
0.12.1 #
- Android: updated WebRTC version to m105
0.12.2 #
- Android: fixed joinDialog functional
0.12.3 #
- Android: fixed logic for switch audio output to bluetooth
- Android: fixed logic for startSessionWithToken method
- Android: fixed logic for setToken functional
- Flutter: fixed logic for getSession method
- IOS: added logic for parse and set version from pubspec.yaml to quicklbox_sdk.podspec
0.12.4 #
- updated README file
0.12.5 #
- Android: updated SDK version to 4.1.1
- Android: fixed logic in ChatMapper
- Flutter: updated dependencies
0.12.6 #
- Flutter: deleted "dateSent" parameter from sendMessage method in Chat Module
0.12.7 #
- Android: add logic for migration when API and CHAT endpoints are hardcoded
0.12.8 #
- Android: fixed logic for setZone method
0.13.0 #
- Android: updated native library to the last version
- Android: added clearSession method in Auth module
- IOS: added clearSession method in Auth module
- Flutter: fixed method for create/update user
0.13.1 #
- Android: updated call module for supporting Android 14
0.14.0 #
- Android: set minimal support version API 26
- Android: migrated to hybrid view composition
- Android: added obfuscation rules for proguard
0.14.1 #
- Android: fixed logic for audio manager
- Android: refactored video view
- Android: fixed logic for getVideoTrack
- IOS: fixed logic for call end functional
- IOS: fixed logic audio session
0.14.2 #
- Android: fixed logic for get dialogs functional
- IOS: fixed logic for duration field in attachment
0.15.0-rc.1 #
- Android: changed logic for using foreground service in video calls
- Android: changed permissions in Manifest for video calling service
- Android: changed logic for init modules
- Android: fixed logic for get loggedUserId in IncomingMessageListener
- Android: fixed logic for audio call manager
- Android: fixed logic for init cache for chat module
- Android: fixed logic for set chat endpoint in migration flow
0.15.0-rc.2 #
- Android: fixed logic for set token to active session
- Android: fixed logic for notify listener in start session with token flow
0.15.0 #
- Android: added new call service behavior
- Android: fixed crash in call module
0.16.0 #
- Flutter: deleted field isJoined from QBDialog model
- Flutter: deleted initStreamManagement method
- Android: added logic for stream management
- Android: turned on stream management by default
- Android: fixed logic for isConnected functional
- IOS: fixed logic for isConnected functional
- IOS: fixed logic for system messages
- IOS: fixed logic for set the dateSent property of a message
- IOS: fixed logic for connect method
0.16.1 #
- IOS: hotfix for auto-reconnect. By default it turned on
0.16.2-rc.1 #
- Android: fixed logic for stream management
- Android: fixed logic for notify listener in start session with token flow
- Android: added logic for mirror camera in video calls
- Flutter: deleted method for mirror camera from WebRTC module
0.16.2-rc.2 #
- IOS: fixed logic for chat connection in Chat module
- IOS: updated logic in push module
- IOS: fixed logic for custom parameters in Chat module
- IOS: fixed logic for init session with token in Auth module
0.16.2-rc.3 #
- IOS: added supporting iOS 13
0.16.2 #
- Flutter: deleted method for mirror camera from WebRTC module
- Android: fixed logic for stream management
- Android: fixed logic for notify listener in start session with token flow
- Android: added logic for mirror camera in video calls
- IOS: fixed logic for chat connection in Chat module
- IOS: updated logic in push module
- IOS: fixed logic for custom parameters in Chat module
- IOS: fixed logic for init session with token in Auth module
0.16.3-rc.1 #
- Android: fixed logic for stream management
- IOS: fixed logic for chat connection in Chat module
0.16.3-rc.2 #
- IOS: Fixed method naming collision
- IOS: Updated connection error message for clarity
0.16.3-rc.3 #
- Android: fixed logic for send message when saveToHistory=false
0.16.3 #
- Android: fixed logic for stream management
- Android: fixed logic for send message when saveToHistory=false
- IOS: fixed logic for chat connection in Chat module
- IOS: Fixed method naming collision
- IOS: Updated connection error message for clarity
0.16.4-rc.1 #
- Android: fixed behavior for Error in stream management
0.16.4 #
- Android: fixed behavior for Error in stream management
0.16.5-rc.1 #
- Flutter: added optional dateSent property for sendMessage method in Chat module
- iOS: fixed logic for set the dateSent property of a message