quickalert 1.0.1 copy "quickalert: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
quickalert: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

With QuickAlert, instantly display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, loading or even a custom dialog.

QuickAlert Banner

An instantly ready, full-featured alerts for development on any platform with flutter. Enabling you to complete projects and deploy quickly. With QuickAlert, you can display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, loading or even a custom dialog.

Key Features 🔮 #

Easy To Use

The alerts are very flexible and can be customized very easily. In QuickAlert, the QuickAlert.show() triggers the alert, which informs the user about the situations that need acknowledgment.

Predefined Beautiful Alert Styles

Make use of the predefined alerts are very beautiful and can also be customized very easily. In QuickAlert there are 6 different types of alerts, they are Success, Error, Warning, Info, Confirm & Loading.

Predefined Title & Actions

In QuickAlert all the 6 different types of alerts have predefined title & actions matching the alert type.

Super Customizable

Build your custom alert with power of QuickAlert using the flutter widgets.

Change Animation

Set your favorite animation by choosing from scale, rotate, slideInDown, slideInUp, slideInLeft, slideInRight.

Set Auto close

Auto close the alert by setting auto close duration.

Set Overlay Tap to Dismiss

Control the alert's Barrier Dismissible Property by setting barrierDismissible to true or false.

And Many More...

QuickAlert Demo

QuickAlert Demo

Getting Started 🔥 #

Start by adding the library as a dependency to your project.

  QuickAlert: <latest version>

Run the command get the dependency

$ flutter pub get

Import it in your dart code, you can use

import 'package:quickalert/quickalert.dart';

To display alert use QuickAlert.show() and define the type of alert.

  context: context,
  type: QuickAlertType.success,
); // That's it to display an alert, use other properties to customize.

Examples ⚡ #

There is a detailed example project in the example folder. You can directly run and play on it. There are code snippets from example project below.

Success #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.success,
 text: 'Transaction Completed Successfully!',

Error #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.error,
 title: 'Oops...',
 text: 'Sorry, something went wrong',

Warning #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.warning,
 text: 'You just broke protocol',

Info #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.info,
 text: 'Buy two, get one free',

Confirm #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.confirm,
 text: 'Do you want to logout',
 confirmBtnText: 'Yes',
 cancelBtnText: 'No',
 confirmBtnColor: Colors.green,

Loading #

 context: context,
 type: QuickAlertType.loading,
 title: 'Loading',
 text: 'Fetching your data',

Custom #

  context: context,
  type: QuickAlertType.custom,
  barrierDismissible: true,
  confirmBtnText: 'Save',
  customAsset: 'assets/custom.gif',
  widget: TextFormField(
  decoration: const InputDecoration(
     alignLabelWithHint: true,
     hintText: 'Enter Phone Number',
     prefixIcon: Icon(
    textInputAction: TextInputAction.next,
      keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
      onChanged: (value) => message = value,
    onConfirmBtnTap: () async {
     if (message.length < 5) {
      await QuickAlert.show(
       context: context,
       type: QuickAlertType.error,
       text: 'Please input something',
     await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 1000));
     await QuickAlert.show(
      context: context,
      type: QuickAlertType.success,
      text: "Phone number '$message' has been saved!.",
 title: 'Custom',
 text: 'Custom Widget Alert',
 leadingImage: 'assets/custom.gif',

Screenshots ✨ #

Here are some screenshots of the QuickAlert Dialogs.

QuickAlert Options 📖 #

These are the options available in QuickAlert Class.

Attribute Data type Description Default Value
context BuildContext @required BuildContext N/A
type QuickAlertType @required - Type of alert dialog, ex: QuickAlertType.success for success dialogs Null
title String Set a custom title for dialog Based on the QuickAlertType selected
text String Set the description text of the dialog. Null
widget Widget Set custom widget of the dialog. Null
confirmBtnText String Text of confirm button 'Okay'
confirmBtnTap Function Function that handle click of confirm button () => Navigator.pop(context)
confirmBtnColor Color Color of confirm Button Colors.blue
showCancelBtn bool Determines if cancel button is shown or not false
cancelBtnText String Text of cancel button 'Cancel'
cancelBtnTap Function Function that handle click of cancel button () => Navigator.pop(context)
barrierDismissible bool Dismiss dialog on touch overlay true
animType QuickAlertAnimType Type of dialogue enter animation QuickAlertAnimType.scale
confirmBtnTextStyle TextStyle Confirm button text theme TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0)
cancelBtnTextStyle TextStyle Cancel button text theme TextStyle(color: Colors.grey, fontWeight:FontWeight.w600,fontSize: 18.0)
backgroundColor Color Color of dialog background Colors.white
titleColor Color Color of title Colors.black
textColor Color Color of text Colors.black
barrierColor Color Color of Barrier Null
customAsset String Asset path of your custom asset Null
autoCloseDuration Duration Determines how long the dialog stays open for before closing Null
width double Dialog width MediaQuery.of(context).size.shortestSide
pub points


verified publisherbelovance.com

With QuickAlert, instantly display animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, loading or even a custom dialog.

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flutter, vector_math


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