quick_form 1.0.0 copy "quick_form: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
quick_form: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


For when you need a form and are lazy.

Flutter Form Helper #

Creates simple forms very quickly.

The goal was to just define the fields in the form and have it wire up the focus nodes, validation, callbacks and give you a Map with the form data. It's created for basic forms and prototyping use, but I will be using it in my own projects and will add features as I go.

Example #

  • Main with 3 Forms and Tabs
  • OnChange and OnSubmit wired up
Basic Custom Simple
Basic Form Custom Form Simple Form

Reading Results #

Register onFormSubmitted and onFormChanged callbacks that will send a Map<String, String> for you to work with. Required fields and Validations must pass for these callbacks to be triggered. However you can disable validations from FormBuilder if necessary to trigger these methods every time they are pressed.

Form Spec #

The form is defined as a list of

Example: https://github.com/ahammer/flutter_form_helper/blob/master/example/lib/src/sample_form.dart

const Field(
      {@required this.name,         // Name of this field
      this.validators = const [],   // A list of validators
      this.mandatory = false,       // Is this field mandatory?
      this.obscureText = false,     // Password Field
      this.value = "",              // Default Value
      this.group,                   // Group (for Radio)
      this.type = FieldType.text,   // FieldType (text/radio/checkbox)
      this.label                    // Label to be displayed as hint

Building your form #

Extension Syntax

                  onFormSubmitted: resultsCallback,
                  onFormChanged: (map) => setChangedString(map.toString()),
                  uiBuilder: customFormBuilder),

Widget Syntax

                  uiBuilder: customFormBuilder
                  form: sampleForm,
                  onFormSubmitted: resultsCallback,
                  onFormChanged: (map) => setChangedString(map.toString())),

Or inline from a list of field names.

 ["Name", "Title", "Address"].buildSimpleForm(
                  onFormSubmitted: resultsCallback,
                  onFormChanged: onChanged)

You can provide a UI Builder, or use the Built in one that will just build a form in a scrollable view with a bottom below.

To build a Custom Form layout, provide a UI Builder which can use helper.getWidget(name) to add the widgets where you want and customize the layout however you want. E.g. Use "submit" name to create a submit button. E.g. helper.getWidget("submit")

Example: https://github.com/ahammer/flutter_form_helper/blob/master/example/lib/src/custom_form_builder.dart

pub points


verified publisheradamhammer.ca

For when you need a form and are lazy.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)




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