queen_validators 0.2.2-beta copy "queen_validators: ^0.2.2-beta" to clipboard
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validate variables with extensions and pure flutter TextFormFelid with qValidator function

Queen validators 👑 #

style: lint

مقال يشرح بالعربي الفائده من المكتبة وطريقة الاستخدام

supported platforms #

Support null Safety

  • DART
  • JS
  • IOS
  • WEB

NOTE : #

  • for basic form validation i think we cover big part of it
  • but for variables validation we miss a lot of functionalities and the tests does not cover every thing , if you would to help feel free to add more rules and functions

Table of Contents #

Features #

  • easily customize form validation error massages with any localization solution
  • need a new rule ? just extend QueenValidationRule
  • extension on String and dynamic Types give you little push
  • Support null Safety

installation #


Validate Forms #

import 'package/queen_validators/queen_validators.dart';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TextFormField(
     // use qValidator function and provider list of rules to apply on this field
    validator: qValidator([
      MaxLength(30, msg: "optionally you can decide which message to display if the validation fails"),

Validate variables #

const badEmail = 'QueenRoyal.kingdom';
print(badEmail.isEmail) // false

const validEmail = 'Queen@Royal.kingdom';
print(validEmail.isEmail) // true

Supported Rules #

Rule # default message
IsOptional allows you to skip the errors if the input is empty
IsRequired the input value must not be empty required
IsEmail the input value must be a valid email address is not valid email address
Match(String stringToMatchWith,{bool ignoreCase = false}) the input value must match other String did not match
IsIn(List<String>) the input value must be in the provided list is not accepted
IsNotIn(List<String>) the input value must not be in the provided list is not valid email address
MaxLength(int max) the input value length must not be > the max 'max length is $max'
MinLength(int min) the input value length must not be < the min 'min length is $min'
RegExpRule(RegExp regX) the input value mush match the provided regX did not match
Contain(String value) checks if the input does contain the provided value must contain $value
NotContains(String val) checks if input does not contain the provided value must not contain $value
ContainsAny(List<String> val) check if the value contain at lest one of String form the provided list must contain any blacklisted keywords
NotContainsAny(List<String> val) check if the value does not contain any item from the provided list must contain at least one of the whitelisted keywords
pub points


verified publishermaxzod.com

validate variables with extensions and pure flutter TextFormFelid with qValidator function

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unknown (LICENSE)


email_validator, meta


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