qrcoder 0.2.0
qrcoder: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Yet another stupid dart qrcode plugin.
qrcoder #
Yet another stupid dart qrcode plugin, modified from qrcodejs & swift_qrcodejs.
Use #
- Dependency
In your pubspec.yaml
, add the following config:
qrcoder: 0.2.0
copied to clipboard
- Generate
The method statement is as follows:
static Future<List<List<int>>> generateQRCodeMatrix(
String text, {Encoding encoding = utf8, QRErrorCorrectLevel errorCorrectLevel = QRErrorCorrectLevel.H, bool hasBorder = true}
copied to clipboard
You can call this method liek this:
var matrix = await Qrcoder.generateQRCodeMatrix('2333', hasBorder: false);
copied to clipboard
For more information, you can see the example project.
Author #
EyreFree, eyrefree@eyrefree.org
License #
This project is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.