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A set of reusable classes that should speed up your development time and reduce unnecessary boilerplate code.

Q-Architecture #

A set of reusable classes that should speed up your development time and reduce unnecessary boilerplate code. Powered by riverpod.

Get started #

  • Create your abstract repository and implement it
final repositoryProvider = Provider<YourRepository>(
      (_) => YourRepositoryImplementation(),

abstract class YourRepository {
  EitherFailureOr<String> getYourString();

class YourRepositoryImplementation implements YourRepository {
  EitherFailureOr<String> getYourString() async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
    if (Random().nextBool()) {
      return const Right('Your string');
    } else {
      return Left(Failure.generic());
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  • Create your Notifier which extends BaseNotifier and add method to call your YourRepository.getYourString() method
class YourNotifier extends BaseNotifier<String> {
  late YourRepository _yourRepository;

  YourNotifier(this._yourRepository, super.ref);

  void prepareForBuild() {
    _yourRepository = ref.watch(repositoryProvider);

  Future getYourString() =>
        withLoadingState: true,
        globalLoading: false,
        globalFailure: false,
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  • Create provider for YourNotifier.
final yourNotifierProvider = NotifierProvider<YourNotifier, BaseState<String>>(
  () => YourNotifier()
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  • In your widget call your notifier getYourString() method through your provider and watch for the changes
final state = ref.watch(yourNotifierProvider);
switch (state) {
  Data(data: final sentence) => sentence,
  Loading() => 'Loading',
  Initial() => 'Initial',
  Error(failure: final failure) => failure.toString(),
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That is all you need to get you started, to find out more, head over to the table of contents.

Table of contents #

Example - BaseNotifier #

BaseNotifier is a generic notifier which every notifier should extend to avoid writing repetitive code and access global loading and failure handling.

ExampleNotifier #

final exampleNotifierProvider = NotifierProvider<ExampleStateNotifier, BaseState<String>>(
     () => ExampleNotifier(),

class ExampleNotifier extends BaseNotifier<String> {
 late ExampleRepository _exampleRepository;

 void prepareForBuild() {
   _exampleRepository = ref.watch(exampleRepositoryProvider);

 Future getSomeStringFullExample() =>
       //Function that is called. Needs to have the same success return type as State

       //Set to true if you want to handle error globally (ex. Show error dialog above the entire app)
       globalFailure: true,

       //Set to true if you want to show BaseLoadingIndicator above the entire app
       globalLoading: false,

       //Set to true if you want to update state to BaseState.loading()
       withLoadingState: true,

       //Do some actions with data
       //If you return true, base state will be updated to BaseState.data(data)
       //If you return false, depending on withLoadingState, if true it will be 
       //updated to BaseState.initial() otherwise won't be updated at all
       onDataReceived: (data) {
         // Custom handle data
         return true;

       //Do some actions with failure
       //If you return true, base state will be updated to BaseState.error(failure)
       //If you return false, depending on withLoadingState, if true it will be 
       //updated to BaseState.initial() otherwise won't be updated at all
       onFailureOccurred: (failure) {
         // Custom handle data
         return true;

 //Example of the API request with global loading indicator
 Future getSomeStringGlobalLoading() =>
       globalLoading: true,
       withLoadingState: false,
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ExamplePage #

class ExamplePage extends ConsumerWidget {
 static const routeName = '/';

 const ExamplePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

 Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
   final state = ref.watch(exampleNotifierProvider);
   return Scaffold(
     body: Center(
       child: Column(
         mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
         children: [
             switch (state) {
               Data(data: final sentence) => sentence,
               Loading() => 'Loading',
               Initial() => 'Initial',
               Error(failure: final failure) => failure.toString(),
             onPressed: ref
             child: const Text('Get string'),
             onPressed: ref
             child: const Text('Global loading example'),
           //Navigation example
             onPressed: () => ref.pushNamed(ExamplePage2.routeName),
             child: const Text('Navigate'),
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Example - SimpleNotifier #

If BaseNotifier restrain you in some way and its BaseState does not cover your use case, but you want to use some benefits of BaseNotifier, then SimpleNotifier is here for you.

ExampleSimpleNotifier #

final exampleSimpleNotifierProvider = NotifierProvider.autoDispose<
    ExampleSimpleNotifier, ExampleSimpleState>(
  () => ExampleSimpleNotifier(),

class ExampleSimpleNotifier
    extends AutoDisposeSimpleNotifier<ExampleSimpleState> {
  final ExampleRepository _exampleRepository;

  ExampleSimpleState prepareForBuild() {
    _exampleRepository = ref.watch(exampleRepositoryProvider);
    return const ExampleSimpleState.initial();

  /// Example method when you want to get state updates when calling some repository method
  Future<void> getSomeStringSimpleExample() async {
    await debounce();
    state = const ExampleSimpleState.fetching();
    final result = await _exampleRepository.getSomeOtherString();
      (failure) {
        state = ExampleSimpleState.error(failure);
      (data) {
        if (data.isEmpty) {
          state = const ExampleSimpleState.empty();
        } else {
          state = ExampleSimpleState.success(data);

  /// Example method when you want to use global loading and global failure methods
  /// when calling some repository method
  Future<void> getSomeStringSimpleExampleGlobalLoading() async {
    final result = await _exampleRepository.getSomeOtherString();
      (failure) {
      (data) {
        if (data.isEmpty) {
          state = const ExampleSimpleState.empty();
        } else {
          state = ExampleSimpleState.success(data);
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Example custom state #

import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';

import '../entities/failure.dart';

sealed class ExampleSimpleState extends Equatable {
  const ExampleSimpleState();

  const factory ExampleSimpleState.empty() = Empty;
  const factory ExampleSimpleState.fetching() = Fetching;
  const factory ExampleSimpleState.error(Failure failure) = Error;
  const factory ExampleSimpleState.success(String data) = Success;

final class Empty extends ExampleSimpleState {
  const Empty();

  List<Object?> get props => [];

final class Fetching extends ExampleSimpleState {
  const Fetching();

  List<Object?> get props => [];

final class Error extends ExampleSimpleState {
  final Failure failure;

  const Error(this.failure);

  List<Object?> get props => [failure];

final class Success extends ExampleSimpleState {
  final String data;

  const Data(this.data);

  List<Object?> get props => [data];
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ExampleSimplePage #

class ExampleSimplePage extends ConsumerWidget {
  static const routeName = '/simple-page';

  const ExampleSimplePage({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final state = ref.watch(exampleSimpleNotifierProvider);
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
        children: [
            switch (state) {
              Initial() => 'Initial',
              Empty() => 'Empty',
              Fetching() => 'Fetching',
              Success(sentence: final string) => string,
              Error(failure: final failure) => failure.title,
            textAlign: TextAlign.center,
            onPressed: () {
            child: const Text('Simple state example with debounce'),
            onPressed: ref
            child: const Text('Global loading example'),
            onPressed: Navigator.of(context).pop,
            child: const Text('Go back!'),
            onPressed: () =>
            child: const Text('Navigate'),
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BaseState has 4 primary states:

  1. initial

  2. loading

  3. data(State) - ex. Used for showing successful API call response

  4. error(Failure)

State has to be the same type as the return value from the function that is called

sealed class BaseState<State> extends Equatable {
  const BaseState();

  const factory BaseState.initial() = Initial;
  const factory BaseState.loading() = Loading;
  const factory BaseState.error(Failure failure) = Error;
  const factory BaseState.data(State data) = Data;

final class Initial<State> extends BaseState<State> {
  const Initial();

  List<Object?> get props => [];

final class Loading<State> extends BaseState<State> {
  const Loading();

  List<Object?> get props => [];

final class Error<State> extends BaseState<State> {
  final Failure failure;

  const Error(this.failure);

  List<Object?> get props => [failure];

final class Data<State> extends BaseState<State> {
  final State data;

  const Data(this.data);

  List<Object?> get props => [data];
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SimpleNotifier #

Abstract Notifier class which provides some convenient methods to be used by subclassing it. It can be used when BaseState doesn't suit you and you need more states, this notifier has showGlobalLoading, clearGlobalLoading, setGlobalFailure, on, debounce, throttle and cancelThrottle methods that are marked as @protected so you can easily use them in your subclasses.

  • showGlobalLoading & clearGlobalLoading for handling global loading

  • setGlobalFailure for handling global failure (will automatically call clearGlobalLoading before showing global failure)

  • on for subscribing to another notifier's state changes so you can react appropriately

  • debounce for waiting multiple method calls before only one method call can be executed

  • throttle for executing only first method call for some duration when there are multiple method calls

  • cancelThrottle for canceling throttling if in progress

BaseNotifier #

Abstract Notifier class which extends SimpleNotifier, uses BaseState as its state and provides some convenient methods to be used by subclassing it.

Execute method #

The main BaseNotifier method which supports different options for handling the data, failures and loading.

Future execute(EitherFailureOr<DataState> function, {
  PreHandleData<DataState>? onDataReceived,
  PreHandleFailure? onFailureOccurred,
  bool withLoadingState = true,
  bool globalLoading = false,
  bool globalFailure = true,
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  • function parameter receives method to execute with return value EitherFailureOr

  • withLoadingState bool parameter says while calling and waiting function to finish, loading state should be set.

  • globalLoading bool parameter says while calling and waiting function to finish, loading over the the whole app should be shown.

  • globalFailure bool parameter says if function returns Failure, should it be shown globally over the whole app or not.  

To filter and control which data will update the state, onDataReceived callback can be passed. Alternatively, if callback always return false, custom data handling can be implemented.  

To filter and control which failure will update the state or be shown globally, ** onFailureOccurred** callback can be passed. Similar to onDataReceived if always returned false, custom failure handling can be implemented.

Execute streamed method #

Similar to BaseNotifier's execute method is the executeStreamed method which in the core performs the same job as the execute method with a slight difference in that it requires a function parameter's return type to be of type Stream which allows us to return multiple results from the repository and by doing so we can use this functionality to create an easy to use caching mechanism by yielding cached data + network data.

Future<void> executeStreamed(
  StreamFailureOr<DataState> function, {
  PreHandleData<DataState>? onDataReceived,
  PreHandleFailure? onFailureOccurred,
  bool withLoadingState = true,
  bool globalLoading = false,
  bool globalFailure = true,
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Example usage

In your state notifier:

class ExampleNotifier extends BaseNotifier<String> {
Future getSomeStringsStreamed() => executeStreamed(
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In repository:

StreamFailureOr<String> getSomeStringsStreamed() async* {
  yield const Right('Some sentence from cache');
  yield const Right('Some sentence from network');
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PaginatedStreamNotifier and PaginatedNotifier #

Abstract Notifier classes to be used when you need to work with some kind of list you fetch from local or remote data source.

PaginatedStreamNotifier #

PaginatedStreamNotifier extends SimpleNotifier, uses PaginatedState and provides PaginatedStreamFailureOr<Entity> getListStreamOrFailure(int page, [Param? parameter]) to be overridden by the notifier subclassing it. This notifier works with streams so getListStreamOrFailure method if necessary can return first list fetched from local data source and then from remote data source when retrieved.

PaginatedNotifier #

PaginatedNotifier extends PaginatedStreamNotifier and simplifies it in a way that class that extends it needs to override PaginatedEitherFailureOr<Entity> getListOrFailure(int page, [Param? parameter]) which returns a Future instead of Stream.

PaginatedList #

Methods that need to be overridden by extending PaginatedStreamNotifier or PaginatedNotifier return PaginatedList object with few convenient field for handling infinite lists.

class PaginatedList<T> extends Equatable {
  final List<T> data;
  final int page;
  final bool isLast;

  const PaginatedList({
    required this.data,
    required this.page,
    required this.isLast,

  List<Object?> get props => [data];
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PaginatedState #

Consists of 4 states, initial loading(), loadingMore() with List

sealed class PaginatedState<T> extends Equatable {
  const PaginatedState();

  const factory PaginatedState.loading() = PaginatedLoading;
  const factory PaginatedState.loadingMore(List<T> list) = LoadingMore;
  const factory PaginatedState.loaded(List<T> list, {bool isLastPage}) = Loaded;
  const factory PaginatedState.error(List<T> list, Failure failure) =

final class PaginatedLoading<T> extends PaginatedState<T> {
  const PaginatedLoading();

  List<Object?> get props => [];

final class LoadingMore<T> extends PaginatedState<T> {
  final List<T> list;
  const LoadingMore(this.list);

  List<Object?> get props => [list];

final class PaginatedError<T> extends PaginatedState<T> {
  final Failure failure;
  final List<T> list;

  const PaginatedError(this.list, this.failure);

  List<Object?> get props => [list, failure];

final class Loaded<T> extends PaginatedState<T> {
  final List<T> list;
  final bool isLastPage;

  const Loaded(
    this.list, {
    this.isLastPage = false,

  List<Object?> get props => [list];
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PaginatedListView #

PaginatedListView widget can be used to easily work with PaginatedStreamNotifier or PaginatedNotifier and display the data served through one of those two notifiers.

Global loading #

globalLoadingProvider can be used to show the loading indicator without updating BaseNotifier state.

final globalLoadingProvider = StateProvider<bool>((_) => false);
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Loading example #

BaseLoadingIndicator can be shown by setting globalLoading inside of execute method to true

Future getSomeString() =>
      globalLoading: true,
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You can also change BaseNotifier state to BaseState.loading by setting withLoadingState to true

Future getSomeString() =>
      globalLoading: true,
      withLoadingState: true,
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Global failure #

globalFailureProvider can be used to show the failure that happened in the application without updating BaseNotifier state.

final globalFailureProvider = StateProvider<Failure?>((_) => null);
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Global failure listener #

void globalFailureListener() {
  listen<Failure?>(globalFailureProvider, (_, failure) {
    if (failure == null) return;
    //Show global error
    logError('''showing ${failure.isCritical ? '' : 'non-'}critical failure with title ${failure.title},
          error: ${failure.error},
          stackTrace: ${failure.stackTrace}
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Failure example #

globalFailureProvider listener will be triggered by setting globalFailure inside of execute method to true when failure happens. If set to false, instead of updating globalFailureProvider, BaseNotifier state will be set to error so the failure can be shown directly on the screen, not in the overlay as a toast or a dialog.

Future getSomeString() =>
      globalFailure: false,
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Global info #

globalInfoProvider can be used to show any info by passing the info status with GlobalInfoStatus. GlobalInfoStatus contains values: info, warning, error, success. Pass the required info status, and message of info that will be presented to the user. To set GlobalInfo from any notifier, just call setGlobalInfo() function defined in SimpleNotifier.

Suggestion: setGlobalInfo() can be called from onDataReceived() callback inside execute() function if there is a need to show alert directly from notifier, right after request. For any other usage outside of notifier, set the value of globalInfoProvider directly.

final globalInfoProvider = StateProvider<GlobalInfo?>((_) => null);
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GlobalInfo listener #

void globalInfoListener() {
  listen<GlobalInfo?>(globalInfoProvider, (_, globalInfo) {
    if (globalInfo == null) return;
    //Show global error
        globalInfoStatus: ${globalInfo.globalInfoStatus}
        title: ${globalInfo.title}, 
        message: ${globalInfo.message},
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BaseWidget #

You can wrap the each widget in BaseWidget which listens to:

  • globalFailureProvider

  • globalLoadingProvider.

  • globalInfoProvider

You are required to pass in the onFailure and onGlobalInfo handlers.

class BaseWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  final Widget child;
  final Widget? loadingIndicator;
  final Function(Failure) onFailure;
  final Function(GlobalInfo) onGlobalInfo;

  const BaseWidget({
    required this.child,
    required this.onFailure,
    required this.onGlobalInfo,
    Key? key,
  }) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    ref.listen<Failure?>(globalFailureProvider, (_, failure) {
      if (failure == null) return;
    ref.listen<GlobalInfo?>(globalInfoProvider, (_, globalInfo) {
      if (globalInfo == null) return;
    final showLoading = ref.watch(globalLoadingProvider);
    return Stack(
      children: [
        if (showLoading) loadingIndicator ?? const BaseLoadingIndicator(),
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You can simply wrap each widget with your version of the BaseWidget in the builder of your MaterialApp:

      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Q Architecture',
        builder: (context, child) => Material(
          type: MaterialType.transparency,
          child: MessageDisplayingBaseWidget(child: child),
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ErrorToFailureMixin #

This mixin should reduce the needed boilerplate code for appropriate error handling in repositories.

It executes the received function within a try-catch block. If an error occurs, the function calls the errorResolver to handle the caught exception.

ErrorResolver #

Simple abstract interface with a single method for resolving a thrown error into an appropriate Failure.

abstract interface class ErrorResolver {
  Failure resolve<T>(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]);
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ApiErrorResolver #

An implementation of the ErrorResolver interface that handles DioException errors by using the passed statusCodeToFailure map.

final class ApiErrorResolver implements ErrorResolver {
  final Map<int, Failure> statusCodeToFailure;

  const ApiErrorResolver({
    required this.statusCodeToFailure,

  Failure resolve<T>(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
    if (error is! DioException)
      return Failure.generic(error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace);
    final response = error.response;
    final key = statusCodeToFailure.keys
        .firstWhereOrNull((code) => code == response?.statusCode);
    return statusCodeToFailure[key] ??
        Failure.generic(error: error, stackTrace: stackTrace);
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Usage example #

const exampleApiErrorResolver = ApiErrorResolver(
  statusCodeToFailure: {
    404: UnauthorizedFailure(),
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class ExampleRepositoryImp
    with ErrorToFailureMixin
    implements ExampleRepository {
  EitherFailureOr<ExampleUser> apiCallExample() => execute(
        () async {
          final userResponse = await _apiClient.getUser();
          final user = _userMapper(userResponse);
          return Right(user);
        errorResolver: exampleApiErrorResolver,
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A set of reusable classes that should speed up your development time and reduce unnecessary boilerplate code.

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