pushwoosh 2.2.9 pushwoosh: ^2.2.9 copied to clipboard
This plugin allows you to receive push notifications. Powered by Pushwoosh (www.pushwoosh.com).
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:pushwoosh/pushwoosh.dart';
import 'package:pushwoosh_geozones/pushwoosh_geozones.dart';
import 'package:pushwoosh_inbox/pushwoosh_inbox.dart';
void main() => runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
String _message = "Waiting..";
String _log = "";
bool _showAlert = false;
set showAlert(bool value) {
_showAlert = value;
void initState() {
// Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
Pushwoosh.initialize({"app_id": "5927F-D517A", "sender_id": "YOUR_SENDER_ID"});
setState(() {
_message = "Ready";
Pushwoosh pushwoosh = Pushwoosh.getInstance;
pushwoosh.onPushReceived.listen((PushEvent event) {
var message = event.pushwooshMessage;
print("onPushReceived" + message.payload.toString());
setState(() {
_message = "Push Received:\n" + message.payload.toString();
pushwoosh.onPushAccepted.listen((event) {
var message = event.pushwooshMessage;
print("onPushAccepted" + message.payload.toString());
setState(() {
_message = "Push Accepted:\n" + message.payload.toString();
pushwoosh.onDeepLinkOpened.listen((String link) {
var message = "Link opened:\n" + link;
setState(() {
_message = "Link opened:\n" + link;
_showAlert = await pushwoosh.showForegroundAlert;
void _registerForPushNotifications() async {
Pushwoosh pushwoosh = Pushwoosh.getInstance;
String token = "empty";
try {
token = await pushwoosh.registerForPushNotifications() ?? token;
} catch (e) {
token = e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = "Registered for pushes with token: " + token;
void _unregisterForPushNotifications() async {
Pushwoosh pushwoosh = Pushwoosh.getInstance;
String result = "Unregistered from push notifications";
try {
await pushwoosh.unregisterForPushNotifications();
} catch (e) {
result = e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = result;
void _getTags() async {
Pushwoosh pushwoosh = Pushwoosh.getInstance;
Map<dynamic, dynamic> tags = {};
try {
tags = await pushwoosh.getTags();
} catch (e) {
setState(() {
_message = "Get tags failed:\n" + e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = "Tags:\n" + tags.toString();
void _setTags() async {
Pushwoosh pushwoosh = Pushwoosh.getInstance;
Map<String, dynamic> tags = {"tag1": "value"};
String result = "setTags completed: " + tags.toString();
try {
await pushwoosh.setTags(tags);
} catch (e) {
result = "Set tags failed:\n" + e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = result;
void _getHwid() async {
String hwid = await Pushwoosh.getInstance.getHWID;
setState(() {
_message = "HWID: " + hwid;
void _getToken() async {
String? token = await Pushwoosh.getInstance.getPushToken;
setState(() {
if (token != null) {
_message = "Token: " + token;
} else {
_message = "No token";
void _postEvent() async {
String result = "Event did sent";
try {
await Pushwoosh.getInstance.postEvent("appOpen", {"test": "test"});
} catch (e) {
result = e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = result;
void _startLocationTracking() async {
try {
await PushwooshGeozones.startLocationTracking();
} catch(e){
_message = e.toString();
setState(() {
_message = "Location tracking did start";
void _stopLocationTracking() {
setState(() {
_message = "Location tracking did stop";
void _showInbox() {
PWInboxStyle style = PWInboxStyle();
style.dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy";
style.defaultImage = "assets/inbox-1.png";
style.unreadImage = "assets/bubble-2.png";
style.listErrorImage = "assets/alert-2.png";
style.listEmptyImage = "assets/inbox-1.png";
style.listErrorMessage = "Custom error message";
style.listEmptyMessage = "Custom empty message";
style.barTitle = "Custom inbox title";
style.accentColor = "#FF00FF";
style.backgroundColor = "#FFFF00";
style.highlightColor = "#FF0FFF";
style.imageTypeColor = "#00F0FF";
style.readImageTypeColor = "#FF000F";
style.titleColor = "#00F0FF";
style.readTitleColor = "#00FF0F";
style.defaultTextColor = "#FF00FF";
style.descriptionColor = "#FF000F";
style.readDescriptionColor = "#00FF0F";
style.dateColor = "#00F0FF";
style.readDateColor = "#F0FF0F";
style.dividerColor = "#FF000F";
style.barBackgroundColor = "#FF000F";
style.barAccentColor = "#0000FF";
style.barTextColor = "#00FF00";
PushwooshInbox.presentInboxUI(style: style);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: DefaultTabController(
length: 2,
child: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
bottom: TabBar(
tabs: [
Tab(icon: Icon(Icons.phone_android)),
Tab(icon: Icon(Icons.sms)),
title: Text('Pushwoosh'),
body: TabBarView(
children: [
new Column(
children: <Widget>[
new Container(
child: Text('$_message'),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
height: 100.0,
new Expanded(
child: new ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
children: <Widget>[
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('registerForPushNotifications'),
onPressed: () => _registerForPushNotifications(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('unregisterForPushNotifications'),
onPressed: () => _unregisterForPushNotifications(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('showInbox'),
onPressed: () => _showInbox(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('getTags'),
onPressed: () => _getTags(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('setTags'),
onPressed: () => _setTags(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('getHWID'),
onPressed: () => _getHwid(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('getPushToken'),
onPressed: () => _getToken(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('postEvent'),
onPressed: () => _postEvent(),
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('startLocationTracking'),
onPressed: _startLocationTracking,
new CupertinoButton(
child: Text('stopLocationTracking'),
onPressed: _stopLocationTracking,
new MergeSemantics(
child: new ListTile(
title: new Text('showForegroundAlert'),
trailing: new CupertinoSwitch(
value: _showAlert,
onChanged: (bool value) {
setState(() {
this.showAlert = value;
_message = "showForegroundAlert: " +
onTap: null,
new ListView(
children: <Widget>[
new CupertinoButton(onPressed: _clearLog,
child: Text('Clear log')
new Container(
child: Text('$_log'),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
void _clearLog(){
setState(() {
_log = "";
void addLog() {
setState(() {
_log += "\n\n" + _message;
copied to clipboard