- Android SDK version updated to 5.9.0
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.9.0
- removed duplicates from changelog
- Android SDK version updated to 5.11.0
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.11.0
- startLocationTracking is async now
- compatibility with flutter v0.10.0+
- Flutter plugin updated to build with Swift libraries
- Android SDK version updated to 5.12.1
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.12.1
- Fixed an issue with Flutter app crashes on push receiving while the app is terminated
- Sample upgraded to Android X, gradle plugin version updated to 3.2.1
- Zip Path Traversal Vulnerability
- Android SDK version updated to 5.14.3
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.13.1
- An issue with Android app crashes on launch
- Android SDK version updated to 5.14.4
- An issue with opPushAccepted and onPushReceived callbacks not working when Flutter apps are opened by tap on a push notification
- Flutter Android cannot receive push when app is on foreground
- setMultiNotificationMode function for android
- Replaced UIWebView with WKWebView in iOS
Android #
- Fixed ANRs caused by push messages being processed in the main thread in Android
- Fixed incorrect inbox URL opening behaviour
- Fixed background processing that caused extra battery consumption
- Android SDK version updated to 5.19.5
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.19.3
- Android SDK version updated to 5.21.4
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.21.0
- Missing setUserId method in Android
- Android SDK version updated to 5.22.0
- iOS SDK version updated to 5.22.0
- iOS SDK updated to 5.23.0
- Android SDK updated to 5.22.2
- iOS SDK updated to 6.1.1
- Android SDK updated to 6.2.3
- setMultiNotificationMode() crashes on iOS
- message.customData always returning null on Android
- Android SDK updated to 6.2.4
- Removed the method that collected the list of installed packages to comply with the newest Play Store policy
- Android SDK updated to 6.2.7
- Crashes in registration callbacks when using the plugin with 3rd-party push providers
- iOS SDK updated to 6.2.5
- Android SDK updated to 6.3.3
- Migrated Android plugins to the V2 embedding
- Migrated to null safety
- iOS SDK updated to 6.3.1
- Android SDK updated to 6.3.5
- Version of Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.3.2
- Version of Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.4.0
- java.lang.NullPointerException while executing doInBackground()
- Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.4.1
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.3.3
- Pushwoosh Android SDK version to 6.4.4
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.3.5
- API to communicate with Pushwoosh Inbox endpoints directly
- Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.5.2
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.4.2
- customData parameter to
- iOS build issue in pushwoosh_inbox module
- Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.6.1
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.4.3
, addToApplicationIconBadgeNumber()
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.4.5
- Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.6.1
- Android compile issue introduced with the 2.2.8 release
parameter of InboxMessage
now returns ISO8601-formatted string on both platforms
- Huawei platform support
method for iOS and Android
- Pushwoosh Android SDK to 6.6.5
- Pushwoosh iOS SDK to 6.4.8