pusher_websocket_flutter 0.1.0 copy "pusher_websocket_flutter: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
pusher_websocket_flutter: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: pusher_client

A Flutter plugin to listen to events sent through pusher. Wraps the native Java and Swift libraries

Pusher Flutter Client #

An unofficial Flutter plugin that wraps pusher-websocket-java on Android and pusher-websocket-swift on iOS.

Pusher.init( ... ) #

Parameter Type Description
appKey String Required - The application key is a string which is globally unique to your application. It can be found in the API Access section of your application within the Channels user dashboard.
options PusherOptions Required - The options provided to pusher, more information in the PusherOptions section.
enableLogging bool Optional - Enabling this will activate the logging of important events to the console.

Pusher.connect( ... ) #

Parameter Type Description
onConnectionStateChange Function(ConnectionStateChange) Optional - Callback when the state of the connection changes (eg. CONNECTING, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED, ... ).
onError Function(ConnectionError) Optional - Callback when the connection fires an error (eg. UnauthorizedException).

Pusher.subscribe( ... ) #

Parameter Type Description
channelName String Required - provide the channel name to subscribe to (eg. mychannel, private-mychannel or presence-mychannel).

PusherOptions #

Parameter Type Description
auth PusherAuth Optional - A mechanism for authenticating a user's access to a channel at the point of subscription.
cluster String Optional - The identifier of the cluster your application was created in. When not supplied, will connect to the mt1(us-east-1) cluster.
host String Optional - Provide your own (websocket) host instead of the default ws.pusherapp.com
port int Optional - Provide your own (websocket) port instead of the default 443 (when encryption is enabled) or port 80 (when encryption is disabled).
encrypted bool Optional - Tell pusher to only connect over TLS connections to ensure connection traffic is encrypted. This means using wss:// instead of ws://, encryption is enabled by default.
activityTimeout int Optional - After this time (in milliseconds) without any messages received from the server, a ping message will be sent to check if the connection is still working. Default value is supplied by the server, low values will result in unnecessary traffic. The default is set to 30000.

PusherAuth #

Parameter Type Description
endpoint String Required - The endpoint pusher should query to make the post request (eg. https://api.example.com/broadcating/auth).
headers Map<String,String> Optional - The headers that should be sent with the POST request to the above endpoint. 2 Different Content-Types are supported: application/x-www-form-urlencoded & application/json. Supplying any of the above types will result into the request body being sent in form-urlencoded format or JSON format. Defaults to {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}

Development #

Generate the models and the factories: flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs



verified publisherhomex.com

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A Flutter plugin to listen to events sent through pusher. Wraps the native Java and Swift libraries

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unknown (license)


flutter, json_annotation


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