push_notification_service 0.0.9 copy "push_notification_service: ^0.0.9" to clipboard
push_notification_service: ^0.0.9 copied to clipboard

Push notification service for Firebase Cloud Messaging

Firebase Project Registration #

To set up Firebase for your Dart project, follow these steps:

1. Install FlutterFire CLI #

dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli

Log in or out of Firebase to ensure you are using the correct Google account:

firebase login/logout

2. Configure Firebase #

Run the following command and choose Android and iOS platforms to automatically register your app with Firebase and download configuration files:

flutterfire configure

3. Add Firebase Core #

Add the basic Firebase configuration to your project:

flutter pub add firebase_core

Use the version ^2.22.0 as of the last documentation update:

  firebase_core: ^2.22.0

4. Set Up Push Notification Handling #

For push notification handling, add the following dependencies:

flutter pub add firebase_messaging
flutter pub add flutter_local_notifications:9.6.1

Note: The version 9.6.1 is used for flutter_local_notifications. Be aware that there are changes in newer versions; use this version for compatibility.

Check your android/build.gradle file for the following versions:

dependencies {
    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.4.2'
    classpath 'com.google.gms:google-services:4.3.14'

Ensure these versions are up-to-date to avoid build issues.

5. Android Configuration #

In your app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, add the following to create a notification channel:

    android:value="2" />
    android:value="push_notification_channel" />

6. iOS Configuration #

Open your iOS project in Xcode and add the following capabilities:

  • Push notifications
  • Background modes
    • Background fetch
    • Remote notifications

For additional iOS and Firebase configuration, follow these steps:

  • Generate a push notification certificate from Apple Developer account.
  • Upload the certificate to Firebase.
  • Download the generated certificate from Firebase.

7. Import Code #

In your Dart code, initialize the NotificationService in your mail file:

import 'path_to_notification_service.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp(
    options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

  await NotificationService.initNotificationService();

  final token = await NotificationService.requestPermissionWithTokenOrNull();
  //If subscribe based sent notification then use this token

    home: NotificationService(child: OnboardingPage()),

Now, you can request the token using the NotificationService in your app.

Remember to replace path_to_notification_service.dart with the actual path to your notification service file.

repository: https://github.com/radikris/push_notification_service

pub points


unverified uploader

Push notification service for Firebase Cloud Messaging

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


firebase_core, firebase_messaging, flutter, flutter_local_notifications


Packages that depend on push_notification_service