purchasely_android_player 1.7.2 copy "purchasely_android_player: ^1.7.2" to clipboard
purchasely_android_player: ^1.7.2 copied to clipboard


Purchasely Player dependency for Android

1.7.2 #

Enhancements on Android #

  • Update Exoplayer dependency to 2.19.0 in player module
  • Update player module to compile with SDK 33
  • Use countdown tag for any labels in your paywalls

Enhancements on iOS #

  • Improve eligibility check for introductory and promo offers
  • Fixes a bug affecting the price display depending on time period

1.7.1 #

Fixes on Android #

  • Improve paywall engine for default selected plan on display
  • A/B test data for a flow of paywalls
    • Now, you can override paywall closing after a purchase with PaywallActionInterceptor
  • Performance improvements on Purchasely.start() method to retrieve application configuration and google products (pricing and offers)

1.7.0 #

Features #

  • Support of GIF format for enhanced media capabilities.
  • 🇳🇱 Dutch (NL) Language Support - The SDK now includes language support for Dutch localization.
  • TRIAL_PRICE Tag Enhancement - The TRIAL_PRICE tag has been updated to consider the introductory price if both a free trial and an introductory price are configured for a subscription on the Google Play Console.
  • QUARTERLY_AMOUNT Tag - The new QUARTERLY_AMOUNT tag has been added to provide the equivalent subscription price in quarter like it is already possible in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. PLYPlan now contains the method quarterlyEquivalentPrice() to retrieve the value
  • AIRSHIP_USER_ID Attribute - An AIRSHIP_USER_ID attribute has been introduced to facilitate integration with Airship.

Fixes #

  • Carousel paywall restoration - Paywalls with a carousel are now correctly restored when navigating back within the app.
  • Event emission fix - Restoration or Purchase events were not emitted correctly if performed consecutively
  • We also fix several issues, the main one is our SDK is now available starting with iOS 11 (the past couple of releases are only available for iOS13+).

1.6.2 #

  • Fix paywall display on Android with fetchPresentation

1.6.1 #

  • Fix iOS compilation issue

1.6.0 #

  • Auto import of your subscriptions at the first launch of the SDK
  • Ukrainian language added

1.5.2 #

Fixes #

  • fetchPresentation() method for Android to open a paywall asynchronously
  • closePaywall(), which hides the paywall by default on Android, can now take optional boolean argument to close the paywall definitively and prevent it from being open again with onProcessAction()
  • Remove paywalls from background tasks on Android when closed
  • Remove subscription_status attribute from Subscription (temporary until available on all platforms)

1.5.1 #

Add optional argument to closePaywall() method to close definitively the paywall

1.5.0 #

New features #

  • Fetch presentation before displaying it
  • Disable specific placement or audience to not show a paywall
  • Display your own paywall with Purchasely placements

1.4.2 #

🇮🇱 Hebrew language supported 🐞 Under the hood, we provide some stability improvements and several bug fixes

pub points


unverified uploader

Purchasely Player dependency for Android



API reference


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on purchasely_android_player