pump_up_the_volume 1.0.0 pump_up_the_volume: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Pump Up The Volume ==> Visionary Software Solutions Volume me_sure_meant API.
import 'package:pump_up_the_volume/pump_up_the_volume.dart';
import 'package:pump_up_the_volume/src/volume/liquid/imperial/extensions.dart';
import 'package:pump_up_the_volume/src/volume/liquid/us_customary/extensions.dart';
void main() {
void volumeDemo() {
/// Liquid volumes are complicated, as there are a lot of units!
final litres = 5.litres();
/// basic math works
final added = (litres + 250.millilitres()) - 2.5.litres();
assert(2.75.litres() == added);
/// The Big Win is that a variety of obnoxious units are implemented across
/// both US Customary and Imperial systems, so defining recipe ingredients
/// is a snap
final americanMilk = USVolumes(4).gallons() +
USVolumes(32).fluidOunces() +
USVolumes(2).pints() -
USVolumes(10).quarts() +
USVolumes(6).shots() -
print("That's a lot to chug! $americanMilk");
final imperialMilk = ImperialLiquidVolumes(4).gallons() +
ImperialLiquidVolumes(10).pints() -
ImperialLiquidVolumes(5).quarts() -
print("A right proper drink $imperialMilk");
/// You'll notice I had to use Extension Overrides, a rather under-documented
/// Dart feature created by the lack of namespaces.
/// In normal usage, I expect EITHER one OR the other would be imported.
/// The cool thing is...watch this
final revolution = imperialMilk - americanMilk;
/// the tedious little differences between US fl oz/pints/quarts and
/// Imperial are taken care of
print("viva! $revolution");
/// For more explicit usage between the two, you can use hackily
/// re-named types
final shortChanged = USPints.fromNum(2);
final biggerDrink = ImperialPints.fromNum(2);
assert(biggerDrink > shortChanged);
/// all this namespace abuse is making me feel like some...
final finale = 10.shots();
print("Jäger! Jäger! Jäger! $finale");