pubnub 3.0.0 copy "pubnub: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
pubnub: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard


PubNub SDK v5 for Dart lang (with Flutter support) that allows you to create real-time applications

PubNub Dart SDK #

Pub Version

pubnub is a Flutter-friendly SDK written in Dart that allows you to connect to PubNub Data Streaming Network and add real-time features to your application.

Installation #

Using pub dependency management tool #

pubnub uses the standard pub tool for package management to distribute Dart code.

To add the package to your Dart or Flutter project, add pubnub as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml.

  pubnub: ^1.0.0

After adding the dependency to pubspec.yaml, run the pub get command in the root directory of your project (the same that the pubspec.yaml is in).

Using Git #

If you want to use the latest, unreleased version of pubnub, you can add it to pubspec.yaml as a Git package.

    git: git://

Using a local copy of the repository #

If you want to copy the Dart repository and modify it locally, clone it using git clone and then import it into pubspec.yaml as follows:

    path: ../path-to-cloned-pubnub-repo

Importing #

After you install the pubnub package, import it in your application. You can import it in one of two ways:

// Import all PubNub objects into your namespace
import 'package:pubnub/core.dart';

// Or import PubNub into a named namespace
import 'package:pubnub/pubnub.dart' as pn;

Usage #

Keyset #

First, create a Keyset instance:

final myKeyset = Keyset(
  subscribeKey: 'demo',
  publishKey: 'demo',
  uuid: UUID('demo'));

Keyset contains all your configuration. You can use multiple Keysets (with different parameters) if you need.

If you have a PubNub account, replace demo with the key values from your PubNub dashboard. If you don't, you can use the highly rate-limited demo keys, but be aware that the keyset is public, so don't send any sensitive data.

PubNub instance #

Next, instantiate the PubNub class, passing myKeyset as a default keyset. This will be used any time a keyset is not passed into a method.

final pubnub = PubNub(defaultKeyset: myKeyset);

Now you can use the pubnub instance to publish messages, subscribe to channels, and everything else!

Publishing messages #

To publish a message, use the publish method.

pubnub.publish('my_channel', { 'content': 'Hello world!' });

Messages can be any JSON-serializable object.

If you are going to publish a lot of messages to one channel, you can use channel abstraction to obtain an instance of a Channel.

final myChannel ='my_channel');

myChannel.publish({ 'answer': 42 });

Subscribing to channels #

To subscribe to a list of channels or channel groups, use the subscribe method. You need to pass a Set of channels or channel groups.

var subscription = pubnub.subscribe(channels: {'ch1', 'ch2'});

You can also use your Channel instance:

var subscription = myChannel.subscribe();

Both of those methods return a Subscription.

A Subscription contains a Dart Stream messages from the channel(s) to which you are subscribed. You can transform that stream in the usual ways, or add a listener using listen:

subscription.messages.listen((envelope) {
  print(`${envelope.uuid} sent a message: ${envelope.payload}`);

var envelope =
      await sub.messages.firstWhere((envelope) => == 'ch2');

Channel history #

You can retrieve past messages from a channel in two ways, as follows:

Using channel.history

Use this method if you want to fetch messages gradually. They are fetched in descending order (from newest to oldest) by default.

var history = myChannel.history(chunkSize: 50);

await history.more();
print(history.messages.length); // 50
await history.more();
print(history.messages.length); // 100

Using channel.messages

Use this method to fetch many messages at once.

var history = myChannel.messages(from: Timetoken(1234567890));

var count = await history.count();

var messages = await history.fetch();

await history.delete(); // Beware! This will delete all messages matched

Multiple keysets #

There are two ways to use multiple keysets at the same time, as follows:

Using named keysets

You can add multiple keysets with a name to an instance of PubNub.

pubnub.keysets.add(myKeyset1, name: 'keyset1');
pubnub.keysets.add(myKeyset2, name: 'keyset2');

To use a named keyset instead of the default, pass its name in a using: parameter into one of the pubnub instance methods:

pubnub.publish('channel', 42, using: 'keyset1');
var myChannel ='channel', using: 'keyset2');

Using a keyset instance

Instead of adding the keyset to pubnub.keysets, you can use the keyset: named parameter to pass a keyset instance directly to pubnub instance methods:

pubnub.subscribe(channels: {'channel'}, keyset: myKeyset1)

Contributing #

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Enter the directory and install dependencies.

    cd dart
    pub get
  3. Run the build_runner to generate necessary source files.

    pub run build_runner build



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PubNub SDK v5 for Dart lang (with Flutter support) that allows you to create real-time applications



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