pubnub 5.1.1
pubnub: ^5.1.1 copied to clipboard
PubNub SDK v5 for Dart lang (with Flutter support) that allows you to create real-time applications
import 'package:pubnub/pubnub.dart';
void main() async {
// Create PubNub instance with default keyset.
var pubnub = PubNub(
Keyset(subscribeKey: 'demo', publishKey: 'demo', uuid: UUID('demo')));
// Subscribe to a channel
var subscription = pubnub.subscribe(channels: {'test'});
subscription.messages.take(1).listen((envelope) async {
await subscription.dispose();
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3));
// Publish a message
await pubnub.publish('test', {'message': 'My message!'});
// Channel abstraction for easier usage
var channel ='test');
await channel.publish({'message': 'Another message'});
// Work with channel History API
var history = channel.messages();
var count = await history.count();
print('Messages on test channel: $count');