print_bluetooth_thermal 1.0.4 print_bluetooth_thermal: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
Ticket printing for android, location permission is not requested to connect the printer
[1.0.3] #
- Added support for android 12
- Added BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission for android 12 onwards
- Added isPermissionBluetoothGranted function to detect if permission is enabled, works only on android 12 and up
- Changed Kotlin from 1.3.50 to 1.6.10
[1.0.2] #
Added a method to disconnect the printer
[1.0.1] #
Shareability with null security was added and all methods were changed to English. if you want to migrate to this version you must read the file
[1.0.0] #
Shareability with null security was added and all methods were changed to English. if you want to migrate to this version you must read the file
[0.0.8] #
Se cambio el modo de separar el tamaño en texto personalizado por (//) antes (/)
[0.0.7] #
Se agrego que ahora se detecta el estado del bluetooth getBluetoothState
[0.0.6] #
Se agrego que ahora se detecta claramente el estado de la conexion
[0.0.5] #
Se agrego la opcion de detectar la conexion de la impresora con el metodo estadoConexion
[0.0.4] #
Se agrego que la el metodo getNivelbateria retorne un int
[0.0.3] #
cambio del contexto para no causar conflictos con otros paquetes