prefnotifiers 0.0.1 copy "prefnotifiers: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
prefnotifiers: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Use individual shared preferences as ValueNotifier objects.

prefnotifiers #

This library helps to wrap individual shared_preferences into ValueNotifier objects.

This fits well into the paradigm of data models. Models make data readily available to widgets.

Why use PrefItem? #

Suppose, we have parameter, that can be read with shared_preferences like that:

final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
int paramValue = await prefs.getInt("TheParameter");

There are two lines of problem:

  • This code is asynchronous. We cannot use such code directly when building a widget

  • The same data is now represented by two entities: the paramValue variable and the real storage. There is a risk that after updating one thing, we will forget to update another and get out of sync

Instead, we suggest using the new PrefItem class for accessing the parameter:

final param = PrefItem<int>(SharedPrefsStorage(), "TheParameter");
  • param object can be used as the only representation of "TheParameter" in the whole program
  • param.value allows indirectly read and write the shared preference value without getting out of sync
  • Widget build(_) methods can access value without relying on FutureBuilder
  • param.addListener makes it possible to track changes of the value

How to use PrefItem? #

PrefItem serves as a model for an individual parameter stored in shared preferences.

PrefItem.value provides "the best value we have for the moment". The actual read/write operations happen asynchronously in background.

Create PrefItem #

final param = PrefItem<int>(SharedPrefsStorage(), "TheParameter");

Read PrefItem value #

Reading is is not finished yet. But we already can access param.value. By default, it returns null. We can use it in synchronous code:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    if (param.value==null)
        return Text("Not initialized yet");
        return Text("Value is ${param.value}");

Since PrefItem inherits from the ValueNotifier class, we can automatically rebuild the widget when the param will be available:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ValueListenableBuilder(
        valueListenable: param,
        builder: (BuildContext context, int value, Widget child) {
            if (value==null)
                return Text("Not initialized yet");
                return Text("Value is $value");

Write PrefItem value #

The code above will also rebuild the widget when value is changed. Let's change the value in a button callback:

onTap: () {
    // param.value is 3, shared preferences value is 3

    param.value += 1;
    param.value += 1;

    // param.value changed to 5.
    // The widget will rebuild momentarily (i.e. on the next frame)
    // Shared preferences still contain value 3. But asynchronous writing
    // already started. It will rewrite value in a few milliseconds

What is PrefsStorage? #

Each PrefItem relies on a PrefsStorage that actually stores data.

final keptInSharedPreferences = PrefItem<int>(SharedPrefsStorage(), ...);

final keptInRam = PrefItem<String>(RamPrefsStorage(), ...);

final keptInFile = PrefItem<String>(CustomJsonPrefsStorage(), ...);

Normally same instance of PrefsStorage is used by multiple PrefItem objects:

final storage = SharedPrefsStorage();

final a = PrefItem<String>(storage, "nameA");
final b = PrefItem<double>(storage, "nameB");

  • SharedPrefsStorage stores preferences in platform-dependent shared_preferences

  • RamPrefsStorage stores preferences in RAM. This class is mostly useful for testing

  • PrefsStorage is an abstract base class describing a storage. A descendant should be able of reading and writing named values of types int, double, String, StringList and DateTime

pub points



Use individual shared preferences as ValueNotifier objects.

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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on prefnotifiers