powersync 1.5.1 copy "powersync: ^1.5.1" to clipboard
powersync: ^1.5.1 copied to clipboard

PowerSync Flutter SDK - keep PostgreSQL databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.

PowerSync SDK for Dart/Flutter #

PowerSync is a Postgres-SQLite sync layer, which helps developers to create local-first real-time reactive apps that work seamlessly both online and offline.

This package (powersync) is the PowerSync client SDK for Dart/Flutter.

See a summary of features here.

Installation #

flutter pub add powersync

Getting Started #

Our full SDK reference contains everything you need to know to get started implementing PowerSync in your project.

Changelog #

A changelog for this SDK is available here.

API Reference #

The full API reference for this SDK can be found here.

Examples #

For example projects built with PowerSync and Flutter, see our Demo Apps / Example Projects gallery. Most of these projects can also be found in the demos/ directory.

Found a bug or need help? #

  • Join our Discord server where you can browse topics from our community, ask questions, share feedback, or just say hello :)
  • Please open a GitHub issue when you come across a bug.
  • Have feedback or an idea? Submit an idea via our public roadmap or schedule a chat with someone from our product team.
pub points


verified publisherpowersync.com

PowerSync Flutter SDK - keep PostgreSQL databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


async, collection, flutter, http, logging, powersync_flutter_libs, sqlite3_flutter_libs, sqlite_async, uuid


Packages that depend on powersync