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PowerSync Flutter SDK - keep PostgreSQL databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.

PowerSync SDK for Dart/Flutter #

PowerSync is a service and set of SDKs that keeps PostgreSQL databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.

SDK Features #

  • Real-time streaming of changes.
  • Direct access to the SQLite database - use SQL on the client and server.
  • Operations are asynchronous by default - does not block the UI.
  • Supports one write and many reads concurrently.
  • No need for client-side database migrations - these are handled automatically.
  • Subscribe to queries for live updates.

Examples #

For complete app examples, see our example app gallery

For examples of some common patterns, see our example snippets

Getting started #

You'll need to create a PowerSync account and set up a PowerSync instance. You can do this at https://www.powersync.com/.

Install the package #

flutter pub add powersync

Implement a backend connector and initialize the PowerSync database #

import 'package:powersync/powersync.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';

// Define the schema for the local SQLite database.
// You can automatically generate this schema based on your sync rules:
// In the PowerSync dashboard, right-click on your PowerSync instance and then click "Generate client-side schema"
const schema = Schema([
  Table('customers', [Column.text('name'), Column.text('email')])

late PowerSyncDatabase db;

// You must implement a backend connector to define how PowerSync communicates with your backend.
class MyBackendConnector extends PowerSyncBackendConnector {
  PowerSyncDatabase db;

  Future<PowerSyncCredentials?> fetchCredentials() async {
    // implement fetchCredentials to obtain a JWT from your authentication service
    // see https://docs.powersync.com/usage/installation/authentication-setup
  Future<void> uploadData(PowerSyncDatabase database) async {
    // Implement uploadData to send local changes to your backend service
    // You can omit this method if you only want to sync data from the server to the client
    // see https://docs.powersync.com/usage/installation/upload-data

openDatabase() async {
  final dir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
  final path = join(dir.path, 'powersync-dart.db');

  // Setup the database.
  db = PowerSyncDatabase(schema: schema, path: path);
  await db.initialize();

  // Connect to backend
  db.connect(connector: MyBackendConnector(db));

Subscribe to changes in data #

  // you can watch any SQL query
  stream: return db.watch('SELECT * FROM customers order by id asc'),
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    if (snapshot.hasData) {
      // TODO: implement your own UI here based on the result set
      return ...;
    } else {
      return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());

Insert, update, and delete data in the SQLite database as you would normally #

  onPressed: () async {
    await db.execute(
      'INSERT INTO customers(id, name, email) VALUES(uuid(), ?, ?)',
      ['Fred', 'fred@example.org'],
  tooltip: '+',
  child: const Icon(Icons.add),

Send changes in local data to your backend service #

// Implement the uploadData method in your backend connector
Future<void> uploadData(PowerSyncDatabase database) async {
  final batch = await database.getCrudBatch();
  if (batch == null) return;
  for (var op in batch.crud) {
    switch (op.op) {
      case UpdateType.put:
        // Send the data to your backend service
        // replace `_myApi` with your own API client or service
        await _myApi.put(op.table, op.opData!);
        // TODO: implement the other operations (patch, delete)
  await batch.complete();

Logging #

You can enable logging to see what's happening under the hood or to debug connection/authentication/sync issues.

Logger.root.level = Level.INFO;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((record) {
  if (kDebugMode) {
    print('[${record.loggerName}] ${record.level.name}: ${record.time}: ${record.message}');

    if (record.error != null) {
    if (record.stackTrace != null) {
pub points


verified publisherpowersync.com

PowerSync Flutter SDK - keep PostgreSQL databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


async, collection, flutter, http, logging, sqlite3_flutter_libs, sqlite_async, uuid


Packages that depend on powersync