potatoes_secured_preferences 1.0.1
potatoes_secured_preferences: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
A Preferences service with secure storage capabilities
Potatoes Secured Preferences #
A Preferences service with secure storage capabilities. Built for Potatoes.
Getting Started #
This package provides an extension of Potatoes' PreferencesService using flutter_secure_storage to provide encryption capabilities.
Usage #
You simply need to extend SecuredPreferencesService
to define you persistence logic.
class AppSecuredPreferences extends SecuredPreferencesService {
static const String _authTokenKey = 'auth_token';
static const String _userIdKey = 'user_id';
AppSecuredPreferences(super.preferences, super.secureStorage);
// no need to encrypt, we use regular SharedPreferences
Future<void> setUserId(String value) {
return preferences.setString(_userIdKey, value);
String? get userId => preferences.getString(_userIdKey);
// encrypt sensitive value
Future<void> setAuthToken(String value) {
return secureStorage.write(key: _authTokenKey, value: value);
FutureOr<Map<String, String>> getAuthHeaders() async {
// get the authentication token from Secure Storage
final token = await secureStorage.read(key: _authTokenKey);
// return the auth map to inject into API queries
return {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'
And enjoy using it!
// new instance
securedPreferencesService = AppSecuredPreferences(
securedPreferencesService.setUserId("user id here");
securedPreferencesService.userId; // retrieve user id value
securedPreferencesService.setAuthToken("token value here");
// clean both SharedPreferences and Secure Storage