postgrest 0.0.1-dev.6 postgrest: ^0.0.1-dev.6 copied to clipboard
PostgREST client for Dart. This library provides an ORM interface to PostgREST.
[0.0.1-dev.6] #
- chore: return PostgrestResponse and PostgrestError instead of a Map obj
[0.0.1-dev.5] #
- fix: lint errors
[0.0.1-dev.4] #
- Refactor code structure by following postgrest-js TypeScript update.
- Update documents.
[0.0.1-dev.3] #
- Fixes examples + typo.
[0.0.1-dev.2] #
- Remove Flutter package dependency.
- Clean up + refactor.
[0.0.1-dev.1] #
- Initial pre-release.