polymer_paper_typeahead_input 0.0.2 copy "polymer_paper_typeahead_input: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
polymer_paper_typeahead_input: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A Dart port of the paper-typeahead-input polymer element.

dart-polymer-paper-typeahead-input #

Pub Travis

Dart polymer wrappers for paper-typeahead-input Polymer elements. Thanks to Tianxiang Zhang for the original polymer.

Usage #

Import the element dart as normal, but note the target dart differes from the package name, in order to keep consistency with the polymer element.

import 'package:polymer_paper_typeahead_input/paper_typeahead_input.dart';

Within html, the component is named 'paper-typeahead-input'.

Examples #

Examples may be served in debug/release mode via pub.

pub serve examples

Testing #

The original polymer tests are in the process of being ported. The ported tests can be run as normal dart tests. For example, to run on dartium (default): pub run test As usual, tests can be run on other platforms with -p<platform>

To run tests as javascript, the pub serve and test execution must be performed separately. Run pub serve test --port=8080 from one terminal and pub run test -pchrome --pub-serve=8080 from a second.

Note that tests are specifically blocked from running on Firefox currently in order to utilize Travis CI.

Rebuilding #

Although not necessary for normal use, this package can be rebuilt from the original polymer source using the procedure below. The specific version used as a basis can be specified in bower.json.

  1. Fetch the polymer element source and deps
bower install
  1. Build the Dart wrapper API
pub run custom_element_apigen:update_paper_typeahead_input_dart.yaml

For more information on using custom_element_apigen, see https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/custom_element_apigen

pub points


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A Dart port of the paper-typeahead-input polymer element.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


polymer, polymer_elements


Packages that depend on polymer_paper_typeahead_input