polygon_clipper 1.0.2
polygon_clipper: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
A plugin to clip a Widget into a polygon shape. Works with any kind of Widget.
Polygon Clipper #
A Flutter plugin to create views using regular polygon shapes (e.g. Pentagons and Hexagons).
Installation #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
polygon_clipper: ^1.0.2
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Using ClipPolygon widget
import 'package:polygon_clipper/polygon_clipper.dart'; // Import package for ClipPolygon
sides: 6,
borderRadius: 5.0, // Default 0.0 degrees
rotate: 90.0, // Default 0.0 degrees
boxShadows: [
PolygonBoxShadow(color: Colors.black, elevation: 1.0),
PolygonBoxShadow(color: Colors.grey, elevation: 5.0)
child: Container(color: Colors.black),
copied to clipboard
Using PolygonBorder shape
import 'package:polygon_clipper/polygon_border.dart'; // Import package for PolygonBorder
shape: PolygonBorder(
sides: 5,
borderRadius: 5.0, // Default 0.0 degrees
rotate: 90.0, // Default 0.0 degrees
border: BorderSide.none, // Default BorderSide.none
onPressed: runAction,
child: Icon(Icons.star),
copied to clipboard
Parameters #
Param | Type | Description |
sides | int | The number of sides to draw the polygon |
borderRadius | double | The length of the border radius in degrees. |
rotate | double | The initial polygon rotation in degrees. |
child | Widget | The widget that will be rendered inside the polygon. |
boxShadows | PolygonBoxShadow[] | A list of box shadows. |
Param | Type | Description |
color | Color | The color of the box shadow. |
elevation | double | The distance of the shadow. |
Param | Type | Description |
sides | int | The number of sides to draw the polygon |
borderRadius | double | The length of the border radius in degrees. |
rotate | double | The initial polygon rotation in degrees. |
border | BorderSide | The style of the border (when PolygonBorder is used as a decoration in Container , etc.) |
Contributing #
If you wish to contribute to this project, I encourage you to open a pull request.