polybool 0.2.0
polybool: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Boolean operations on polygons (union, intersection, difference, xor).
Polybool #
Boolean operations on polygons: union, intersection, difference, xor.
This library is based on:
- polybooljs by velipso@, which is based on
- polybool actionscript by akavel@, which is based on
- an implementation by Mahir Iqbal, which is based on
- F. Martinez' (2008) algorithm (Paper)
Features #
- Clips polygons for all boolean operations
- Removes unnecessary vertices
- Handles segments that are coincident (overlap perfectly, share vertices, one inside the other, etc)
- Uses formulas that take floating point irregularities into account
- Provides an API for constructing efficient sequences of operations
How to use it #
final poly1 = Polygon(regions: [
Coordinate(37.27935791015625, 29.32472016151103),
Coordinate(37.122802734375, 29.257648503615542),
Coordinate(37.22442626953125, 29.135369220927156),
Coordinate(37.36175537109374, 29.221699149280646),
Coordinate(37.27935791015625, 29.32472016151103),
final poly2 = Polygon(regions: [
Coordinate(37.104949951171875, 29.159357041355424),
Coordinate(37.1722412109375, 29.046565622728846),
Coordinate(37.31781005859375, 29.105376571809618),
Coordinate(37.20794677734375, 29.216904948184734),
Coordinate(37.104949951171875, 29.159357041355424),
final union = poly1.union(poly2);
final intersection = poly1.intersect(poly2);
final difference = poly1.difference(poly2);
final inverseDifference = poly1.differenceRev(poly2);
final xor = poly1.xor(poly2);
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