pogo 0.2.0 copy "pogo: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
pogo: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


2D game engine for Flutter. Implements a logical game-entity system for rapid development of simple games.

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Unreleased #

  • NinePatchComponent refactor.
  • ParallaxComponent refactor. Add SVG too. Consider keeping in core or move out. (I don't use this and instead use SpriteComponents to make my own parallaxes.)
  • ParticleComponent and ParticlePrefab refactor. Consider keeping in core or move out.
  • TimerComponent refactor.
  • Take another look at message boxes and text. They're stable for now but there is probably much to do still.
  • Investigate the minor artifacts from non-integer canvas scaling in low-res games.
  • I've noticed math and/or scaling/position problems with the --enable-software-rendering flag in both API 16 and 23 (and likely all others).

0.2.0 - 2020-06-20 #

Changed #

  • WARNING: Breaking changes!
  • This update introduces "built-in" and "external" components (plugins). Components (and their respective particles and prefabs) that were not deemed necessary for the core of a basic 2D engine were moved to their own projects (pogo_*). This meant, especially, components that rely on 3rd-party libraries: TiledComponent, FlareComponent, and Box2DComponent.
    • Not sure yet about non-3rd-party extras such as: ParticleComponent and ParallaxComponent. These are currently a mess and I can't say I'll ever find time to dig into them.
    • After looking at the continued growing pains of Flame and its willy-nilly addition of any component that doesn't break the engine -- regardless of how muddy or useless it is -- I have once again been inspired to "do it different" with Pogo. Flame has been really helpful in this regard.
    • Moving 3rd-party plugins out should push Pogo significantly towards version 1.0.
    • This should also simplify PR handling and maybe even help these components get the attention they need.

Removed #

  • TiledComponent and TiledPrefab moved out to its own pogo_tiled project.
  • FlareComponent, FlareParticle, and FlarePrefab moved out to its own pogo_rive project. Everything here was renamed from Flare to Rive to match the new branding of the Rive product.
  • All Box2D stuff moved out to its own pogo_box2d project. Moving Box2D out was a tough decision. On one hand, it can be appropriate for a game engine to include a physics engine. On the other hand, Pogo is just a thin layer on top of Flutter and probably should not be dictating which physics engine a game dev should be using. Also, the Box2D integration still needs major analysis and refactoring. Seeing it in Flame as a single "component" or two makes my brain hurt. It should be another type of plugin (perhaps a mixin) that comes with a suite of components.

0.1.2 - 2020-05-27 #

Added #

  • Added web app hints to some docs.

Changed #

  • Removed yet another unused import identified by pub.dev.

Removed #

  • Removed the PogoBinding class that extended BindingBase. This was a relic from Flame (called FlameBinding) of unknown use except for a note that it was used to setup Flutter services. It looked like a singleton. Likely something needed for an early version of Flutter. Anyhow, the latest Flutter in the beta channel doesn't like it, so I simply removed it due to no known references to it.

0.1.1 - 2020-05-24 #

Added #

Changed #

  • pubspec.yaml: updated audioplayers from 0.14.0 to 0.15.1 as suggested by pub.dev.
  • Removed a couple unused imports identified by pub.dev.

0.1.0 - 2020-05-24 #

With the release of Pogo Bug on Android, the Pogo Game Engine is now bona fide and ready for release as v0.1.0.

Changed #

  • pubspec.yaml: updated path_provider from 1.6.0 to 1.6.6 to remove a bug/warning.
  • pubspec.yaml: updated flutter_svg from 0.17.1 to 0.17.4 to work with the latest Flutter update.
  • Minor doc edits.

0.0.3 - 2020-04-25 #

Added #

  • TapAreaPrefab is an experimental prefab to aid in creating simple GUI dialogs (or other objects) that may have more than one hot spot.

Changed #

  • WARNING: Breaking changes!
  • GestureZone etc. renamed to GestureArea etc. to be more consistent with Flutter lingo (I hope). To update, do a non-word global replace that preserves case.

0.0.2 - 2020-04-21 #

Added #

  • AnimationComponent.frameCount property added (not sure where this went or what I was thinking).
  • Pivot.translateWH() method added. Takes two doubles: width and height.
  • AnimationComponent.currentFrameWidth and .currentFrameHeight props added (doubt I'll add size, top, left, offset, rect, but maybe should).
  • System.defaultPaint for setting up the default Paint (namely, isAntiAlias = false for low-res games).

Changed #

  • Various doc edits.
  • The introduction of System.defaultPaint and elimination of palette.dart brought various changes throughout.

Fixed #

  • MessageBox text parsing fixed to handle one line without dropping a char.

Removed #

  • WARNING: Breaking changes!
  • SpritePrefab.empty() constructor removed. Was left over from testing.
  • PaletteEntry and BasicPalette (all of palette.dart) classes removed. These are helper classes that confuse best practice more than helping. I figure less than 1% are likely to use. And, of those, most would be better off with their own solution for Color/Paint constants (or use material.Colors). Dart's Color and Paint classes are not too hard for game dev as they are. Given the need for Paint.isAntiAlias (and possibly other Paint props) in some games, this really complicates a universal helper.

0.0.1 - 2020-04-13 #

This project was forked from Flame 0.18.1 and this is the first commit as Pogo. I have some previous commits after Flame 0.18.1 that were submitted as a PR to Flame but that PR was not accepted. Thus, Pogo was born. Those changes are here along with many more changes to just about every part of the code. This includes the introduction of entities and a significant redefinition of what a component is. I will attempt to give a pretty good overview of all changes here. The degree of changes is too great to hope to list in absolute detail. Just look at the diffs of the commits leading up to this version and you'll see what I mean.

Added #

  • game_engine.dart exports every feature of the engine. Thus, only one import needed now: import 'package:pogo/game_engine.dart';. Still working on best practices for import/export.
  • GameEntity new fundamental class that replaces Component etc. Also comes with new features/properties: enabled, zOrder, scale, parent, addChild(), removeChild(), getChildren().
  • zOrder adds fully-dynamic z-ordering (integer based... but you can pretend it is scaled-int if you like). A critical feature, I think.
  • SpriteImage superclass and subtypes Raster and Svg. For granting equal rights to the new image types to components that can use either.
  • SVG support now built into SpriteComponent by use of the new SpriteImage superclass. This cascades to supporting SVGs in AnimationComponent. (More components need this change.)
  • AnimationComponent.paused feature added. Particularly useful for those that need to control the currentFrame prop in code.
  • AnimationComponent methods: advance(), pause(), resume().
  • GestureInitializer static class in widget_builder.dart for setting up the main GestureDetector.
  • GestureZone mixin for help limiting gestures to just the entity they are attached to.
  • Created a complete set of scale-adaptive, gesture-detector mixins (and renamed Tapable to TapDetector).
  • Created several well-divided static classes: System, Time, Screen, GameCanvas, Camera, Assets, PogoWidget.
  • Assets.svgCache and SvgCache class added.
  • Assets.xxxxxCache.get(filename) method added to encourage explicit cache use.
  • Assets.xxxxxCache.setSubPath(subPath) method added to override default path under /assets.
  • System.defaultPivot added to allow overriding the new default of Pivot.center.
  • Time.now, Time.unscaledNow, Time.frameCount fields added. Note: scaled-time features (like pause) not yet built.
  • Screen.onResize for setting a callback when the screen/window gets resized (in case you want to adjust the Camera or whatever).
  • Camera static class adds a new camera methodology with both offset and size/scaling. Hint: scaling is particularly useful for low-res games.
  • vector_math.dart to promote easy use of Vector2 et al throughout your code, and for easier integration with Box2D.
  • /example -- wrote a new main example app showing a few more features. (Moved the old one to /doc/examples/primatives with a couple interesting changes.)

Changed #

  • WARNING: Breaking changes!
  • Game renamed to GameCore and BaseGame renamed to Game (not that they look much like their former selves).
  • The new Game is now a singleton and GameCore only exists for adventurous souls who want a starting point for their own engine. I am aware of the many differing opinions of the use of singletons, static classes, etc... but I eventually came to the conclusion that the best-practice rules can be different for an engine versus the rules for the apps that run on that engine. Thus, the pros for the Game() singleton far outweighed the cons. Really, the only cons I could find had to do with PogoWidget/PseudoGame and, since that is not a tier-1 feature, it had little weight.
  • update() and render() no longer pass any data (and resize() was completely removed, see Removed section below). The data was moved to static classes. See Time.deltaTime and GameCanvas.main. (render() now also removed.)
  • BaseGame.camera (Position) replaced with a new Camera.rect paradigm.
  • BaseGame.size moved to Screen.size and initialized in more ways (and still probably needs more working out).
  • BaseGame.debugMode() moved to GameCore.debugMode and not propagated to entities either. Use Game().debugMode to read. Look for other changes and new visualizations and data here.
  • More BaseGame changes not bothering to list.
  • The Flame static class and the Util helper class were replaced by several static classes. Most of the contents of Flame was moved to Assets. Most of the contents of Util was moved to Screen.
  • Caches renamed, Flame.images to Assets.rasterCache, Flame.audio to Assets.audioCache (and their respective classes renamed too: FlameAudio to AudioCache, etc.). Others?
  • Cache methods renamed, clear() to remove(), clearCache() to clear(), to be more in line with other Dart objects.
  • Regarding what Flamed called "components," this took a great deal of sorting out -- all the details of which I will not list. The base Component seemed be part-component/part-entity, while handling neither well, and with confusing mixin dependencies. Thus, most feature components had a similar identity crisis where most were some sort of entity/component combo, while others were specialized entities, and others were a difficult mash of entity, component, and/or primitive object. Fixing this broke everything (to put it lightly) and triggered the majority of all the other changes here. In short, and very loosely, Component+PositionComponent+ComposedComponent became GameEntity with true-component features (like size) removed. Some components were renamed to prefabs (such as AnimationComponent to AnimationPrefab, then Animation to AnimationComponent, same with sprites) while most others were demoted to simple components by stripping out the entity stuff. These kept their name and new prefabs were created for them. What this adds up to, for the most part, is that add() (which is no longer used) is replaced by a call to the prefab instead (i.e. add(SpriteComponent()) to SpritePrefab(SpriteComponent())) and then the contained component syntax needs to be fixed, and the new prefab syntax added. Get all that? Yeah, it's gonna be a mess if trying to port a large project from Flame.
  • isHud() replaced by isOverlay. (Not sure what all the functions were about.) More generic term. Not all overlays are HUDs.
  • The static priority() was replaced by zOrder which is also now fully dynamic.
  • angle renamed to rotation (and added rotationDeg).
  • Anchor class renamed to Pivot and expanded with more translate methods. "Anchor" was not incorrect. I wanted to clarify the nuances between anchoring in UI engines and pivoting in game engines.
  • Changed default pivot (anchor) from topLeft to center. Default can now also be set in System.
  • All Sprite and Animation (renamed to SpriteComponent and AnimationComponent) constructors refactored with focus on simplifying, clarifying, and flexibility. (This is where I first started into this can of worms, BTW.) Most properties are now included as optional named parameters in the constructors. (Modeled loosely after Qt's AnimatedSprite.) All async instantiations have been moved to Future<> methods.
  • The flexibility from the above changes eliminates the need for the animation sequence constructor... as well as the entire spritesheet module. Admittedly, the new way can get a bit wordy (as seen in the updated spritesheet example app) but can also be beautifully simple (as seen in the updated particles example app).
  • Raster image slicing now happens via integer parameters instead of doubles (when using the raster-specific constructors). I find it very odd if have to do counter-intuitive things like width: image.height.toDouble() to slice an image for an animation. Don't worry, the sprites and animations are still positioned and sized with doubles.
  • Because I was breaking so much, I went a little further than normal in renaming a few minor things. textureWidth etc. are now frameWidth etc. currentIndex is now currentFrame (and the previous currentFrame getter was removed). done() is now isFinished. getSprite() is now getCurrentSprite(). Others I'm probably forgetting (like whatever frameCount was before).
  • Animation.reversed() replaced by a new and fancy AnimationComponent.reverse mechanism instead. reversed() was a surprising deep-copy function. If wanting a deep-copy feature, be less surprising about it, and then reverse it if wanted.
  • FlareComponent refactored similar to sprite and SVG handling. FlareAnimation renamed to FlareComponent, FlareComponent renamed to FlarePrefab among other things like adding a pivot.
  • TextConfig.render() moved to TextComponent because it gave the TextConfig type too much personality while TextComponent didn't have enough. This forced all example apps to a better practice of using text components and/or prefabs. Debug-mode text reverted to lower-level code and painting. Regarding debug-mode text, if you really need helpers for drawing such text, then create a debug-mode-specific helper elsewhere.
  • TextConfig.withXxxx() helpers replaced by more flexible and more standard copyWith().
  • NineTileBoxComponent renamed to NinePatchComponent to match Flutter and other sources.
  • TextBoxComponent renamed to MessageBoxComponent because, well, a box with text in it is not always a text box. Also underwent lingo and many other changes. Still much to do, it appears.
  • TimerComponent has some lingo changes, and also still in need of rethink.
  • ComponentParticle renamed to EntityParticle.
  • WidgetBuilder now ignores unneeded/deprecated events (assuming I understand GestureDetector mojo correctly, which I may not).
  • Many, many source files split/renamed/moved/deleted. Folders too.
  • All example apps fixed, axed, or replaced. Well, okay, a couple still give some trouble that I can't seem to care about much right now.
  • All docs totally rewritten. "Totally." Tried to remove all conflicting info and also write something easier to ramp up on. This took almost as much time as the rest.

Removed #

  • WARNING: Breaking changes!
  • resize() method and all related objects. Not needed with the new camera and resize callback. This feature has confused me since I haven't seen anything like it before and I fail to see why camera position and scaling can't handle everything. But, well, maybe someone has a use case they can show me.
  • render() removed after finding little reason to keep it. Things run just fine without it and, given Flutter's control of these lower-lever things like execution order, why pretend otherwise?
  • Spritesheet helper class. Not needed with the new sprite and animation constructors.
  • SvgComponent thingy class. SVG support built into the new SpriteComponent.
  • ComposedComponent mixin. Concept built-in with new design.
  • HasGameRef mixin. Made moot by Game() singleton.
  • Position data type. Replaced by Vector2 or Offset.
  • renderFlipX/Y props. Replaced by negative scaling which does the same thing.
  • angleBetween() helper. Made redundant by position.angleTo().
  • distance() helper. Made redundant by position.distanceTo().
  • prepareCanvas() made redundant by new design.
  • add(Component) is no longer needed to add objects to the game loop. "Adding" is now automatic in the entity constructor.
  • /doc/examples/tapable example app removed as it became redundant to gestures. At least one other I don't recall.

Flame 0.18.1 - 2020-02-09 #

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2D game engine for Flutter. Implements a logical game-entity system for rapid development of simple games.

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unknown (LICENSE)


audioplayers, flutter, flutter_svg, meta, path_provider, synchronized, vector_math


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