pogo 0.1.1 copy "pogo: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
pogo: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


2D game engine for Flutter. Implements a logical game-entity system for rapid development of simple games.

🌕 Pogo Game Engine #

Pogo is a 2D game engine for Flutter (Android, iOS, plus web and desktop in beta).

Pogo implements what I'm calling a "pseudo Entity Component System" for lack of a better term. Pogo should feel fairly similar to some of the other game engines that are popular for rapid game development with its use of game entities (or game objects) and the components that are available to build those entities.

"Pseudo ECS" because it is not what ECS purists would call an ECS. Why not a more pure ECS? (1) I didn't see myself as having time to go that far into the ECS pattern; and (2) I believe this pattern is quicker to ramp up on while also being more than robust enough for most games.

example app preview

Documentation #

Showcase games #

Game Android iOS macOS Linux Windows Web
Pogo Bug released todo

Background #

Pogo was forked from Flame 0.18.1 and redesigned with the goal of making it twice as easy to understand and use. And... I think I nailed it. Further use of Flame would be more pain than needed.

All due credit to inu-no-policemen on Reddit and Luan Nico of Flame for setting up the core, which remains largely unchanged. The rest of Flame, however, was showing growing pains, and a reluctance to large changes in design, so I launched a new project which will, hopefully, be agile to needed change before version 1.0. Even at Pogo 0.0.1 just about everything above Flame's core was changed, along with many new features critical to how I build games (see the first CHANGELOG entry for an overview of just how different Pogo is from Flame). Therefore, if you find a pre-release version of Pogo you like, lock it in, or suffer the possible breaking changes. (Although, if I did a decent job with round 1 here, there shouldn't be any more major shifts in design coming. Just shifts isolated to parts still in need of refactoring. We'll see.)

The name, Pogo, comes from Pogo Bug -- the game I built this engine for. (Pogo Bug was originally written in QtQuick/QML but not released from that codebase due to their difficult licensing issues.) Thus, this engine is tried and tested on my own small-but-complete game from day one. It took maybe 10x longer to work up this Flutter/Dart-based engine than to write the original Qt game. Judging by how quickly I ported Pogo Bug to Pogo versus how much trouble Flame was giving me, it seems Pogo was worth the effort. Pogo feels nearly as quick to build a game in as QtQuick was... but with better performance.

Contributing #

Hit me with a PR and I'll try to find time to engage it. No promises, but I'll try. Hopefully others will jump in and help. I pay close attention to naming and API consistency more so than code style -- code can be refactored without breaking things, naming and structure cannot.

There is still much to be done. I quickly hacked through many components from the previous engine, that I didn't need at the moment, just to get them working. Thus, many of the components here still need to be refactored to be more like the rest.

NinePatchComponent, ParallaxComponent, and ParticleComponent are some examples as things I just quick-hacked and saved for later. (See the Unreleased section in the changelog for a better TODO list.) Most things still work as Flame had them working, but they may not be fully "Pogo-ized" yet. I also haven't touched Box2D yet because Pogo Bug doesn't need it. (Another game of mine, GRITS Racing, uses it super heavily, so I should have the skills to work it in well when I get to it).

The core components I focused on the most are: SpriteComponent, AnimationComponent, and the gesture mixins. TextComponent got a pretty solid work over as well. These should be used as examples for how to refactor the rest.

Getting Started Guide #

What you need to know up front.

Adding the game engine to your project #

Add the Pogo package dependency to your project's pubspec.yaml:

  pogo: ^0.1.1

A single import is required in each source file to access the game engine objects, types, etc.:

import 'package:pogo/game_engine.dart';

Asset files #

All asset files are assumed to be found under the assets folder. This is a limitation of at least one of the current plugins.

Furthermore, some subfolder defaults are set for certain asset types (the default can be changed with setSubPath() if desired).

The default asset tree looks like this:

└── assets
    ├── audio
    │   └── explosion.mp3
    ├── images
    │   └── background.png
    └── svgs
        ├── enemy.svg
        └── player.svg

Also, you must list all asset files in your pubspec.yaml file:

    - assets/audio/explosion.mp3
    - assets/images/background.png
    - assets/svgs/enemy.svg
    - assets/svgs/player.svg

Game engine config and startup #

This is the recommended sequence of code to start a game (expect changes here as things evolve):

import 'package:pogo/game_engine.dart';

void main() async {
  WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); // required
  await Screen.setFullScreen();
  await Screen.setPortrait();

  Camera.size = Size(135, 240); // default is native resolution

  System.defaultPivot = Pivot.topLeft; // default default is center
  System.defaultPaint.isAntiAlias = false; // low-res games will want this

  GestureInitializer.detectTaps = true;
  GestureInitializer.detectPans = true;

  await Assets.audioCache.load("explosion.mp3");
  await Assets.rasterCache.load("background.png");
  await Assets.svgCache.loadAll(["enemy.svg", "player.svg"], scale: 0.75);

  runApp(Game().widget); // required

  await Screen.waitForStartupSizing(); // required

  MainEntity(); // you can name your startup entity whatever you like

class MainEntity extends GameEntity {
  MainEntity() {}

Note that you must initialize all gestures here that will be used anywhere in your game. More on gestures below.

It is recommended to cache your assets (the ones that currently can be cached). It is not required to cache them your main() but this is a good place to do it for simple games. More complex games will want to use the cache features to load and clear assets.

More game engine details here.

Game entities #

A Pogo game is made entirely of game entities (from the GameEntity class). An entity can be a sprite, a bullet, a container or parent to other entities (such as a scene, menu, or complex player), or whatever you need it to be.

Every game entity has:

  • a transform: position, zOrder, rotation, and scale
  • hierarchy connectors: parent and _children[]
  • the core update() method
  • an enabled property and a few other features

More GameEntity details here.

Game entities are made up of components. Some components are built into the entity (such as position/movable), some are added through mixins (such as the TapDetector mixin), and some are added by calling component classes (such as SpriteComponent).

Class-type components typically come with an update() or a render() method (or both) that must be called from the game entity's own update() in order for them to work.

Note: I may choose to someday automatically register component update() and render() methods so you don't have to call them explicitly... but not today.

The construction of a simple entity looks like this:

class Player extends GameEntity with {
  SpriteComponent playerSprite;
  Player(Vector2 position, int zOrder) {
    playerSprite = SpriteComponent.fromSvgCache("player.svg");
    this.position = position;
    this.zOrder = zOrder;
  void update() {
    postition.x += 10 * Time.deltaTime;
    // Don't forget to render your visible components after updating them.

Note the paradigm here that is typical to many game engines: you transform the entity and not the component. Also, components can have size properties, whereas entities only have scale. Components can have a pivot property, whereas entities have position and rotation. (Warning: Not all objects from Flame have been updated to this paradigm yet.)

Regarding the above paradigm, it is therefore unusual to have multiple components of a the same type in a single entity. For example, an entity will not typically have more than one sprite component unless you have images that should be composed, such as a border image and a content image or animation. Entities that use multiple images that need to move independent of each other should instead create a child entity for each part.

Entity hierarchy #

Any entity can be a parent to other entities. The transform (position, scale, etc.) of child entities are then relative to the parent. That is, they move with the parent.

Note that just because an entity (such as a scene) instantiates another entity, this does not automatically make it a child of that entity. The parent/child relationship must be set explicitly. This is done by either setting the parent property or by calling addChild().

The construction of a simple entity with children looks like this:

class Player extends GameEntity with {
  SpriteComponent playerSprite;
  GameEntity rightHand;
  GameEntity leftHand;
  Hat hat;

  Player(Vector2 position, int zOrder) {
    playerSprite = SpriteComponent.fromSvgCache("player.svg");
    this.position = position;
    this.zOrder = zOrder;

    // Instantiate and add children.
    rightHand = Sword(Vecter2(10, 0), 1);
    leftHand = Saber(Vecter2(-10, 0), 1);

    // Another way to add a child.
    hat = Hat(Vecter2.zero(), -1, parent: this);

Entity gestures #

Gesture recognition is added to entities through mixins such as TapDetector and PanDetector. Note that the GestureArea mixin is also required for most gesture-detector mixins.

Remember to first initialize any needed gestures in your main(). See the example above.

The construction of a simple tappable entity looks like this:

class Enemy extends GameEntity with GestureArea, TapDetector {
  SpriteComponent enemySprite;
  Enemy(Vector2 position, int zOrder) {
    enemySprite = SpriteComponent.fromSvgCache("enemy.svg");
    this.position = position;
    this.zOrder = zOrder;
    gestureAreaSize = enemySprite.frameSize;
  void update() {
    postition.x += 10 * Time.deltaTime;

  void onTapDown(TapDownDetails details) {

  void onTapUp(TapUpDetails details) {}

  void onTapCancel() {}

More gesture details here.

Prefabs #

Prefabricated entities (prefabs) are helper classes for creating one-time-use entities quickly -- that is to say, you don't need to make a custom class for every object in your game. Prefabs are also useful for prototyping and other quick work.

Most class-type components come with a prefab for instantiating just that component. There are no prefabs that recognize gestures.

A very simple use of the SpritePrefab looks like this:

class SomeScene extends GameEntity {
  GameEntity bg;

  SomeScene() {
    bg = SpritePrefab(SpriteComponent.fromRasterCache("background.png"), zOrder: 1000);

Entity destruction #

There currently is no automatic cleanup of out-of-scope entities. Therefore, be sure to call destroy() on all entities when you are done with them. Thus, it is a good idea to keep a reference variable to at least every parent entity you instantiate. destroy() is the only way to remove an entity from the update loop (and, hopefully, allow Dart to then garbage collect it).

If you destroy() a parent, all the children will be automatically destroyed for you. If you don't want to destroy a child, detach it first with removeChild() or by setting the child's parent property to null. Thus, you might find yourself creating parent entities whose only purpose it to make scene destruction easy.

(TODO: Think through parenting and destruction more.)

External plugins #

Built in:

  • AudioPlayers is the audio engine.
  • Tiled adds support for parsing and using TMX files from Tiled.
  • Box2D adds wrappers over Box2D for the physics engine.
  • TODO: finish this list

Others you might add:

  • flame_gamepad adds support to gamepad. Android only.
  • play_games integrates to Google Play Games Services (GPGS). Adds login, achievements, saved games and leaderboard. Android only. Be sure to check the instructions on how to configure, as it's not trivial.

Credits #

pub points


unverified uploader

2D game engine for Flutter. Implements a logical game-entity system for rapid development of simple games.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


audioplayers, box2d_flame, convert, flare_flutter, flutter, flutter_svg, meta, path_provider, synchronized, tiled, vector_math


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